Saturday 9
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I take back what I said about Lance yesterday. He looks 58.
As The Bloggess tweeted... Worst. Fathers Day gift. Ever. LOL... and eww.
You know, really I could just post links to Jenny's blogs every day, for your entertainment and mine. You do have them all bookmarked by now, right?
During the USA soccer game yesterday, for which Lauren was hesitant to make the effort to get up early, she actually discovered an appreciation for the sports bar as a venue for watching sporting events on TV. She got a kick out of a room full of strangers high-fiving each other after goals and collectively bemoaning the bad calls. She wants to go back with us next week.
The next US game is Wednesday, when we leave for Orlando, so before we go watch the game, we're going to make sure we're packed and ready to go to the airport. I also received an email that our cruise ship will be having watching-parties in the lounges during our trip. Fun! By then, the US will probably be out of it and we'll cheer Germany or something.
My friend Lisa always goes for the soccer team with the hottest players. It's probably as good a system as any.
Saturday 9: Jumping Someone Else's Train
1. When was your last train ride?
Maybe five years ago, we took the Hill Country Flyer out to Burnet and back. Fabulous outing! I highly recommend it.
2. How many foreign countries have you visited? Tell us about one.
Eleven countries. Let's talk about Germany-- I've been three times:
1) We lived in Worms when I was born until I was almost 3.
2) I went back with my parents when I was a freshman in high school. That trip we stayed with my aunt's family in Hamm, and went all over the Rhine Valley. We did castle tours and a Rhine cruise. Hung out in Worms and Heidelberg.
3) Jeff and Lauren and I spent a week in Munich when Lauren was about 3, doing all sorts of things. We loved the subway and never used our car the entire time we were there. We spent the following week in Berchtesgaden with all my Germany family, mostly hanging out at the B&B that we all rented out, and taking tours and nature walks.
3. What do you always take with you on vacation?
My flat-iron and the GPS, because being lost on vacation sucks almost as bad as Diana Ross hair.
4. Tell us about something you've lost recently.
I very rarely lose things. I'm actually the person others come to when they lose things, so I can tell them it's on the shelf behind the clock.
5. Do you prefer action packed vacations or relaxing ones?
I like either, or a mix from day to day. I'm honestly up for anything. If forced to choose, it would be action-packed. We can sleep when we get home. And when I say action-packed, I'm talking about constant activities. Not bungee jumping and sky diving, but perhaps a cooking class, a historic tour, a hike and an evening at a piano bar.
6. How long will you wait in a check out line before abandoning your purchases?
Unless I absolutely have to be out of a store for some reason, I'd probably wait up to some ridiculous amount of time- maybe 45 minutes.
7. How old do you wish you were?
I'm happy with my age, but if I had to choose another age, I guess I'd pick 27.
8. Do you consider yourself kind?
yes. Life's too short to be mean.
9. Tell us about your tattoos. Or if you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?
I do not have any tattoos. If I did get one, it would be on the back of my shoulder, where I could cover it up or expose it, depending on what I was doing at the time. It would be... something like small, simple, girly stars or flowers.
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