Art Encounter

Monday, June 21, 2010

Went to the Beninis' ranch yesterday for one of their Art Encounters. Nice event, but we arrived too late to get seats and couldn't hear the lecturers very well from our standing spots. I'd say there were 100-200 people. I've been out several times to visit on regular days and have always been one of maybe two or three cars there, so it was crazy to see so many! KathyL had never seen the sculptures, so after we walked the studio exhibit, we drove the trails. It was a beautiful day for it.

Thursday Thunks

1. Did you pass your driver's test the first time you took it?
Nope. I didn't come to a complete stop when making a right on red. There's some sort of kooky rule that you can't get your license if you violate the law during the test.

2. You are sitting outside on your deck in your comfy lawn chair, feet are up and the temp outside is perfect. There are no bugs to bite you and ruin the night... it's peaceful and all you can hear is the birds singing and an occasional cricket. Whats in your hand?
ice water with a splash of lemonade

3. How many graduation parties and weddings do you have to attend this summer? Ok.. how many are you invited to?
One graduation party. Julie got her PhD!

4. There is no other choice in the matter - you must transform into a different race, but the catch is that you get to pick which race. What will you now be?
The Boston Marathon. Yeesh, I have no idea. I'm the one who didn't know that Hispanic/Latino is an ethnicity, not a race. Ever since Laura told me she is "White, of Hispanic origin," I get to tease her about being a "white girl." That is never going to get old. For me.

5. Someone once said that the grass isn't greener on the other side... are you jealous of your neighbor's lawn?
Actually, we were blessed with great soil on our lot, so our lawn looks pretty awesome.

6. Your S/O is walking along a beach barefooted and steps on a piece of glass buried deep in the sand. His foot is bleeding... does he cry, swear or stomp around on his other foot?

7. I'm gonna take you fishing... are you going to be a whiny baby and not bait your own hook, and when you catch a fish am I gonna have to take it off the hook for you?
I will bait my own hook, but I am NOT taking a fish off a hook.

8. When asked what would you bring with you to a deserted island, why doesn't anyone answer "a boat"?
That is the smart-ass answer of someone who likes to suck all the fun out of these questions. He's the same one whose third wish is for "three more wishes."

9. Hamburger buns - sesame seeds or not?
yes please

10. Whats your favorite flavor of water?
I don't like "flavored water," which is really code for water that is junked up with artificial goo and sweeteners. I like a squirt of lime juice in my water though.

11. Eclipse is coming out this month... are you going to see it?
No. I don't follow the Twilight series at all. I keep trying to tell you guys... I'm quite the rebel.


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