Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
From the Baltimore show earlier this month, since my vid is screwy----
From the Baltimore show earlier this month, since my vid is screwy----
Went to the big concert last night at the Erwin Center. It was very cool.
Night Ranger absolutely rocked the house. This was my 3rd or 4th Night Ranger concert, which cracks me up because I've seen some bands I'm actually really "into" less times than that. Lead vocalist Jack Blades talked a lot, told a bunch of stories about the songs and history. Very funny and interesting. They did this really cool segment on how every band worth its salt has a great "Na Na song." We sang along to snippets from "Na Na Hey Hey," "Cuts Like a Knife" and "Hey Jude," along with a few others. I was surprised how many people in that arena had never seen a Night Ranger concert, when they asked for a show of hands.
Journey had a fantastic show. I was very skeptical of the "new Steve Perry," Arnel Pineda. I had heard he was a carbon copy of Steve Perry, which seems just weird to me. But I have to say, you really want to hear/see Steve Perry with Journey or it just ain't Journey. Arnel does an amazing job of mimicking Perry's singing style and look. He is also an awesome performer in his own right. He gave 110% from the very first song. I was very impressed. He looks really young, but he is actually 42!
And we did finally get to sing one of the BEST Na Na songs EVER- "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'." Ohmigosh how I have always loved that song! Eee!
I took several videos with my new phone, but the sound is atrocious. Too bad!! I guess it was because it was just so loud.
One of the best songs ever. It's from Moulin Rouge, for those unfamiliar with it. I was obsessed with the song when the movie came out. The love story in the movie is one of my favorites, capturing that sparkly crazy feeling of a new relationship to a T.
Sally and I talked about it a lot several years ago. She was as into it as I was. I said it should have won an Oscar (it wasn't even nominated). She laughed and said we were the only ones who thought that. I dunno. It's pretty awesome. Especially the beautiful film version that's on the ...Part II soundtrack. Ewan McGregor has such a strong, amazing voice.
Or maybe it's the story that goes along with it that makes it interesting. Take a listen, and you be the judge. (This is an edited version.)
Song Lyrics del Dia
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more...
"Come What May"- Ewan McGregor from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack
I am wondering why certain people show up in my "random 12 friends" on the Facebook sidebar more often than others. I figure if I have 130 friends, each person should only come up about 1 out of every 10 times I'm on there. It is not the case. Is it because FB thinks I interact with them more? Am I just noticing certain people more?
Yes, I'm "pondering" again. I'm finished now.
Sunday Stealing: A Fall Meme
What did you need to do in the waning days of summer for it to feel complete?
Be outside a lot.
A person I know was wrong for me but about whom I frequently thought after a break-up was...
John H
If you could only attend one major sporting event what would it be?
Winter Olympics
Assuming that you write an anonymous or partially anonymous blog, by what non-physically identifying characteristics might you be identified in a bar?
You'd know that I'll probably have a Long Island Ice Tea or a margarita. And that I'd be either exceptionally chatty or suspiciously quiet, which would depend upon whether I'm there with people I know or people I'm meeting for the first time.
Most blogs cover some sort of niche – personal, political, dating, culinary, etc. What topic, if any, would you like to address on your blog but doesn’t fit into your niche?
My blog is niche-free!
If you could manipulate the time space continuum and give as many as three pieces of advice to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give and to what age of you?
Age 21- Your life is not over. It's safe to look beyond the next two weeks.
Age 23- Finish that thesis, Missy.
Who among your friends do you really wish had a blog because their stories, or perspective on something ought to be shared?
If you were to take an e-cation (vacation from the trappings of our electronic world,) and assuming that employment obligations would allow it, how long of a break could you take? What would you miss the most, the least?
I can do about a week. I would miss being "in the know" about news and friends. I would not miss the stress of feeling like I have to be plugged in.
On September 11th of this year, I attended a couple of parties and was somewhat conflicted by the fact that this ignoble anniversary shall pass with it being just another day in the eyes of many (and in some ways my own eyes as well.) Thoughts?
These sorts of days have varying significance to different people. It doesn't bother me that some don't consider it a remarkable day. For me, it should be less an emotional reminder through the years. I suppose it will eventually be just a day to take a moment and remember. Time does that.
How high are your walls? Who was the last person to scale them? What tools should would-be climbers have on their belt?
My walls are pretty low. You'd need only honesty and a sense of humor to hop over them.
The sexiest thing a man or a woman can say to you (or has said to you) is:
A whispered "I love you" at an unexpected time, when there are other people around. Yep. That'll do it.
You know what I have? My mother's engagement ring from Nurettin. I've always thought it was her wedding ring from Dad, but I just realized that is another one, which I also have. DUH. Yeah, Mom left a trail of broken hearts across Europe back in the day.
So we watched Revolutionary Road last night. The movie is awful. One of those you want to turn off, but you're sure it's about to get interesting. Never does. It is creepy and boring and just leaves you feeling icky. The whole premise of the film is how utterly despondent they are at having to live in suburbia and conform to society's expectations of them as a couple. *blood-curdling shriek* They must move to Paris to live an exciting life. Doing what exactly? The same mundane things they are doing in the house they're in? I don't even get that.
Everyone is cheating on everyone, which makes me crazy. Then the guy tells his wife he slept with his secretary because he wants her to be upset about it, and is hurt when she's not. Yeesh- that must be a guy thing. Then she says she doesn't care because she doesn't love him anymore anyway. "You're just a boy who made me laugh at a party a long time ago," she says. "I loathe the sight of you." A few hours later, she's making breakfast for the two of them. That's when I finally figured out Kate's character is nuts.
Don't waste your time watching it. Bleh. I did love that Cathy Bates is in it, along with Kate and Leo, for the Titanic reunion.
Here you go:
You are welcome.
Foootbaaaaallll! Our team's first loss of the season last night. Sad day. However, we and the Baileys did manage to sit in the section of parents who had imbibed a bit before the game. Now that is where the fun is! Usually I am one of the few people in a section yelling and clapping, etc. Not this week! (Of course I am sober at games, so what does that say? lol) I really enjoyed it. And the color guard ROCKED at halftime. Boo-yah!
Saturday 9: I Call Your Name
1. If you could have named yourself, which name would you have chosen, and why?
I've always liked my name. If I had to change it, I would be called something really drippy and feminine like Anastasia.
2. If you could relive a year in your life, what age would it be, and why?
There are a few. How about 18. Senior year, baby.
3. If you could go back and change one friendship in your past, who would it have been, and why?
Kathy (yet another one) who I was friends with from age 8-12. Looking back, she was a little on the psycho side. I should have stayed away from her.
4. If you could have dated one person in your past that you did not date, who would it be, and why?
There was a guy in college who was a friend of someone I went out with a couple of times. Pretty quickly I realized it was the friend I had the real feelings for. But he wasn't interested in being more than friends with me by that point. Sad, eh?
6. If you had the opportunity to live in another country, which one would it be, and why? If you choose NOT to live in another country, why do you want to stay in your current country?
Temporarily, I would live in Germany or the UK, because I've been to those places and really liked them. I wouldn't live anywhere outside the US permanently.
7. If you could choose your dream job, what would it be, and why?
Radio DJ. Fun and entertaining, and I'd get to talk a lot! Plus great music!
8. If you could wish a wish and it be guaranteed to come true (other than riches) what would it be, and why?
Perfect health forever. It's just a concern that would be gone.
9. If you could meet two blogger friends (you may choose more, if you wish) who would they be?
I avoid the "blogger friends" thing, but Anderson Cooper and Kevin Smith blog. I'd love to meet them.
I just heard "The Thong Song" for the first time ever. Angel, I can hear you laughing all the way from here.
I got Jeff Journey/Night Ranger tix for Father's Day. It's next Tuesday. His "man date" had to back out, so he invited me. It should be great! I just wish Steve Perry was still in the band.
The backseat latch in my car ripped through half my fingernail. Holy #@$&! It's still bleeding if I touch it. It looks disgusting, too. A jagged, bloody, gaping gash with swollen tissue underneath. I can barely stomach putting a band-aid on it. I wonder how long this sort of thing takes to grow out. Buy stock in band-aids, folks. Good thing I had a tetanus shot New Year's Eve when I stepped on that sewing needle. 2009- Year of the Minor Trauma.
Now that I am able to text at a normal speed, I must mention a couple of things. I am still getting used to carrying my phone with me everywhere. I used to leave it in my purse, so as most people know, that was not the way to get a hold of me during the day when I'm home. Well now I carry it around the house, and leave it various places, so sometimes I'm still missing calls/texts. LOL. I'll work on that.
Also, a lot of people have their phones on their nightstands at night. I will never do that, so if you want to call at 3am, please be prepared to leave a message and wait until morning for an answer. Of course, if you are needing me to bail you out of jail or something, feel free to call my home number.
I must ask again: has Bob Schneider ever looked so amazing as he does lately? Holy moly. (Not that I really notice, oh Jeffery, my hubbylicious honey-bunnykins whose amazingness surpasses Bob's on even Bob's best day.) I would post a photo or two from Facebook, but they kinda belong to their owners. Just go friend him over there and see what I am talking about. Better yet, let's go to Saxon Pub and we'll ogle him in person. 'Cuz he also sings, which is kind of cool.
Was Mom's bday yesterday, which compounded a critical mass of other things to make Wednesday a huge pile of SUCK. In that vein, I give you the heartbreaking, give-up-and-go-home...
Song Lyric del Giorno
...Back to the sun, back to the shore, back to what I was before.
Back where I'm known, back in my own very small pond.
Laugh with my friends when I arrive, we'll drop the top and just drive
That's fine with me...
"Legally Blonde" Laura Bell Bundy from the fantastic Legally Blonde: The Musical
Hey Scotty, thanks for the laugh on IM regarding my lack of an entry this morning. ;) Looks like I've been late to everything today!
How much do I love that Chris Daughtry's facebook status is real stuff! Like cleaning the attic with his wife. Awesome. And Bono gave him a shout out the other day. He was as psyched as anyone would have been. Can't wait to see them live!
Finally I have joined the masses in the 21st century with a phone that has internet capabilities and a keyboard. My texting buddies, you will appreciate my vastly increased typing speed. As the teens say, "texxxxxxxxxxt meeeeeeeee!"
So I never knew why they called it a "shotgun wedding" until this week's episode of "The Office." HEY. I'm German. What you Americans say in your obscure regional dialects sometimes escapes me.
Okay, I'm German-American and I've lived here since I was a toddler. Still. I grew up with a German dad who had me calling my nightgown a "night gallon" until I was 13. I'm thinking it was a disadvantage.
Anyhooooo... Now I know. :D
The blog entry title up there ^^ is a line from a Panic at the Disco! song, which brings us to the...
Song Lyric des Tages
...Praying for love in a lap dance
And paying in naivety...
Panic at the Disco!, "But It's Better When We Do"
You know what would have been incredibly fun? If I had discovered Facebook when Mom was still around. She would absolutely have loved it. Her status would always have been some sort of wry, witty comment. She would have really enjoyed seeing and commenting on everyone's pictures and notes. *sigh* Too bad it wasn't as popular a few years ago.
Yesterday one of my high school boyfriends had a very negative, "obscure 80's reference" Facebook status, which I thought was directed at me. Mmmm-kay. I really need to get over myself. LOL
BTW, Laura says she "did not LOL" at my using her comment as the QOTD on Saturday and declared the whole thing "NF" (Not Funny). LMAO.
And finally, Kathy Griffin spoofs Kate Gosselin.
There is nothing like being at Kyle Field at a football game. Absolutely one of my favorite places to be in the world. Even if the Aggie offensive line is jumping all over the place and the refs suck rocks. Even if the bugs are as big as birds (I kid you not). A&M beat USU 38-30. Should have been 38-23, but who's counting, right?
We had the best seats I've ever had. Fourth row, first level at right about the goal line. You have to watch the band and any plays on the far side on the jumbotron, but that's alright. It's just really cool to be right in the action. Being down that low, we actually appeared on the jumbotron seven times during the game, which was way more fun than I would have thought.
Nwachukwu (thank you Google, oh all-powerful spelling aid) absolutely ROCKED with four TDs. One of those, literally right in front of us, was so incredibly randomly called out-of-bounds by a blind referee. Did y'all know this was only his second college game? Nwachukwu's, not the ref's. Or maybe the ref's, too.
Anyone who goes to a Texas A&M game in College Station should take the Get to the Grid shuttle from Post Oak Mall. It was the best run shuttle I've seen at an event like this. You park at the mall and ride a very well appointed bus to the game. After the game we waited in line about 10 minutes as buses continuously loaded and returned to the mall. Best of all- it's FREE. Parking on campus is $10-20, plus related headaches. And the lots are not close to Kyle Field.
So WHOOP! Our very young team did well again this week, despite some shoddy plays and lots of penalties. There were many bright spots, and hopefully these guys will learn from each week and build a truly great team.
Bathroom report of the day-- Holy BAJEEBERS, my shower looks FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! Now just waiting to get the refinished drawers and doors back from the cabinet company.
Healthy snacking tip of the day-- Put some grape tomatoes on your desk. You probably get 1-2 servings of veggies and zero calories just popping them all day long. They are yummy! Bonus: In a pretty bowl, they also count as decor.
Song lyric of the day-- from "I'm in Love With a Girl" by Gavin DeGraw:
...She knows how to treat a fella right
Give me that feelin' every night
Wants to make love when I wanna fight
Now someone understands me...
Quote of the day-- "BTW, I'm using your little online abbreviations..." -Laura
Activity of the day-- We are off to College Station, where we have 4th row seats for the Aggie game tonight. A&M is playing Utah State, who are also the Aggies. Cute. Beat the hell outta USU! Whoop!
What's it take
1. What does it take to get you to grab the mic and sing in a karaoke room?
A few drinks and a lot of friends.
2. What does it take to get you to give up a whole Saturday to hang out with people you don’t like?
If it was required to do anything for Lauren, I would. I would also do that as a favor for very few people- you know, those "would you PLEASE come with me to xyz so I don't have to hang out alone with so-and-so?" Generally, life's too short to hang out with people you don't like.
3. What does it take to get you out of bed without your hitting the snooze button?
I never hit the snooze button. I'm a 'spring out of bed in the morning' sort of girl.
4. What does it take to get you to take someone else’s turn at a really unpleasant task at work or home?
If it's a vital task, I just do it. Otherwise, it would have to get to where I am annoyed enough with it that I just finally take care of it.
5. What does it take to get you to eat something you really dislike?
Someone to dare me to eat it. And a cheesecake chaser.
Until today. Gah.
The cabinet guy was supposed to touch up a couple of places where the dark stain hadn't taken on a few drawers of the bathroom cabinets. I specifically asked if that would be an obvious touchup or if it would look okay. They said it would look great. Cuz I would have just left it otherwise.
Without ever calling me into the room, he painted huge swaths of stain over many random spots. Now my gorgeous dark brown cabinets are covered in splotches of stain. AND... he didn't touch the places I had specifically wanted corrected.
I see a complete sanding and restaining of two cabinets in their future. They had better not damage anything else in there in the process.
Oh and he's coming back in an hour. We'll see if I can be my cheery self when I finally talk to him.
Bathroom update: They put the side of the tub on. Woohoo! Today is mirror frames and touch-up painting. Tomorrow is shower glass and cleanup. Then we are FINISHED. Eeeeee!
Except for my overpriced roman shade which will be here in a month. *shakes fist at Hunter Douglas*
When I got my oil changed yesterday, a lady was talking on her cell to her boyfriend. The other five of us in the very silent waiting area got to hear her argue with him for a bit, and tell him she shouldn't have to tell him she loves him ALL THE TIME. He should know. Eventually they worked it out and she ended with "I love you!" Wow. I think we all wanted to laugh then. We politely refrained.
Still debating the whole cell phone thang. Which phone to get. Whether to wait on a cheaper monthly plan on the iPhone when other carriers get access, which might be forever from now. I don't know. Maybe I just don't need a whole pc in my pocket. Mostly I'll just be texting and talking. I'm leaning towards getting a Samsung Impression for the next two year stint. It has a huge screen and one of the largest keyboards. Tracy says I would expand my usage if I had the iPhone though. If I sit and think about all this long enough, they'll invent a whole new kind of phone with... I dunno... Star-Trek-like transporter powers or something, and I can just get that.
Funny conversation last night at the Hill Country Galleria, where I took the kids for frozen yogurt at Yogurt Planet. No I didn't have any, but after they were eating it, I wished I had. Next time! So, here ya' go:
Troy: I took my girls out last night...
Lauren: You sound like a pimp.
Troy: OK. I took my DOGS out last night.
Jaxon: Your dawgs? You still sound like a pimp.
Troy: Alright. I took COCO and MUFFY out last night. Yeah, I still sound like a pimp.
ROFL. Those guys crack me up!
For Patrick Swayze...
She leads me through moonlight
Only to burn me with the sun
She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done
from "She's Like the Wind"
I was watching "Ask Aida" on the Food Network this weekend. Aida Mollenkamp calls flour "AP Flour" and she always says, "AP flour... all-purpose flour." Just like Rachel Ray says "EVOO... extra virgin olive oil." If you are going to use a cute little pet name for your favorite ingredient, don't explain it. We got it. Plus it completely negates the benefit of using a shortened term.
For those who are interested, there is a fantastic Time Magazine article describing the complicated post-Berlin-Wall Germany. Oh to be able to fix these issues with some sort of answer benefiting everyone. I think time and the resulting social integration over coming generations will fix most of the issues in Germany. Perhaps it will take a lot of time. Similar to racial issues in the US. Although... this may be more a political issue, socialism vs. democracy, which almost never resolves over time, as most of us share the political views of our parents. Hmm... I'll have to think about that a little more.
Song Lyric of the Day is dead in the water. Between not being able to effectively monetize such an effort (Adsense dollars are waaaaaaay down for me on my other site over the last year) and my husband's obligatory mocking of another of my website ideas, it just ain't worth it. I'm sure Laura is mocking it as well, as those two are peas in a pod on these things. When so moved, I'll continue to post them here!
One Long Meme: Part I
1. The phone rings. Who will it be?
My bathroom general contractor
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Of course!
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
If I know some people there, I am a talker. If I know no one, I'm a listener.
4. Do you take compliments well?
I think so
5. Do you play Sudoku?
Yes. And Kakuro and Hidato, too.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
7. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
I went to Brownie camp a few summers when I was young and my mom was with us. I went away to camp for a week in like 5th grade. I did a cartwheel when I got there and filled both palms of my hands with grass burrs. Youch! I remember it very vividly.
8. What was your favorite game as a kid?
9. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you?
If you're dating, why get involved with a married guy? It would be too complicated, even for a one-night thing.
10. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
Dating probably doesn't matter, but it was unlikely I would have married someone of a significantly different faith. My mom (Catholic) was engaged to a Muslim guy (Turkish- she was living in Europe) for a short time when she was 21. They had gotten along famously until they started really talking about how their kids would be raised and that sort of thing. Funny how one's religious beliefs come to the spotlight when kids are involved. As they should, I suppose. Jeff and I even have a few significant differences in beliefs though we are both of Christian faiths. It's rarely a big deal, but... we're also in the same general ballpark in the religion arena.
11. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Who likes to just pursue? Hopefully both people are pursuing each other.
12. Use three words to describe yourself?
Wannabe Broadway Star (Okay, now I'm just being sarcastic. Hee! Can you tell I hate this question, over and over every week?)
13. Do any songs make you cry?
Several. One, since I'm listening, is "Somewhere That's Green" from Little Shop of Horrors.
14. Are you continuing your education?
Not formally. Having teenagers around always continues one's education.
15. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
16. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Yes! Lauren and I did during the Austin Children's Museum photography exhibit when she was three. The photo strip is on the bulletin board here by my desk. SO cute.
17. How often do you read books?
Rarely. I don't like to sit and read for hours at a time.
18. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Present. I used to be all planner. Eventually I realized I was missing today, which is the most important time of all.
19. What is your favorite children’s book?
The Velveteen Rabbit
20.What color are your eyes?
21. How tall are you?
5'4 and a half. We measured at Bunco.
22. Where is your dream house located?
On an expanse of beach in the Caribbean.
23. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
Photo albums
24. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
Wow. It's probably been four or five months.
25. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
26. Do you like mustard?
Yep. Especially on soft pretzels or sausage.
The song lyric for today is from "LoveGame" by Lady GaGa:
...hold me and love me
just wanna touch you for a minute
maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it...
I'm seriously thinking of starting a Lyric of the Day blog or app or something. Fun, eh?!
Yesterday's bathtub guy never showed. This has happened with two contractors in the last week. I'm glad I'm not having to take off work for these jokers. Bad enough I have to hang out waiting for them. Grr.
The football game last night was great fun. It was misty rain, which gave me "Florida hair," but what can you do. It was also pretty cold, between the cool breeze and the dampness. Me in my wispy dress. I'm making it sound miserable! lol. It was perfect football weather. And we won, so that always rocks.
OH, and Lauren got a great new piece of choreography in the halftime show, where she is the featured dancer in her group. She looks so awesome! I can't wait to get back on the home side to take a picture/video of that part. Watching the band from the visitor side bites. We could barely even hear the music.
Damon, Pitt Behind Clooney's Stripping Man-Fan?
It was so FUNNY, too. Here is the vid of the guy at the press conference from TMZ.
Remembering that morning I was with about ten other moms at someone's house putting together fundraiser wrapping paper orders for the elementary school. Got that phone call to turn on the TV just after the first plane had hit. Thought every plane in the air was about to rain down across the country. Awful day.
On a happier note, the bathroom is almost complete. Yesterday the tile guy fixed the tub backsplash tile and did all the caulking. This afternoon they'll replace the side of our tub. The window treatment lady is also coming.
Next Wednesday, they'll install the re-cut shower glass. Mirror frames will also go up. That is it, other than a couple of touch-ups on the wall and paint. Eeeeee!!
Friday Five: Bottles
1. When did you last drink something out of a glass bottle?
I had a beer at the Alamo Drafthouse last Sunday.
2. Whose energy would you like to bottle for those future listless days?
3. How many plastic bottles are there in your shower, and what’s in them?
5- my shampoo and conditioner, Jeff's shampoo, my bodywash and the shower cleaner spray
4. Who in your life could be described as "lightning in a bottle"?
I had to look up this phrase. Can you even believe that? WTH. Uhh... Tammy
5. You’re playing Spin-the-Bottle with your sixth-grade classmates. When it’s your turn, to whom do you want the bottle pointing?
Bobby Massicott of course. Who didn't?
If you post your political opinions on FB, you should own them. I very rarely reply to those statuses, but I do watch the ensuing horror that sometimes ends up with a person's status changing to "Fine. I won't share any more of my personal opinions." Wow. Talk about taking the fun out of Facebook.
I've gone into my thoughts on political Facebook postings before. If you do decide to say something partisan or otherwise controversial, be aware you'll get a lot of support (we're your friends and we love you and want to reply to everything on your page with a plethora of compliments and kudos) and maybe a little opposition (because some people are simply strong believers in the opposing viewpoint and feel compelled to say something). Discussion is okay. Besides, you did put it out there, right?
A moment to acknowledge that some "friends" can be real jerks on your facebook. That is bad manners. I'm talking about the typical, politely disagreeing reply.
When responding to opposing comments, you can be funny and conciliatory or strongly defend your position as you see fit. Just don't toss up a white flag on your own Facebook, for Heaven's sake. Instead of putting up the "gathering my marbles and going home" status, change it to something like "Mowing the lawn."
Yesterday was a pretty crappy day overall. 9/9/09 isn't shaping up to be much better so far. Gotta love it. It's all in the attitude though, so I resolve to anticipate great things later today! :)
The PTA meeting last night was informative as usual. I'm always glad to be in on the inside info. Doing the website, I also pass along most of it, so don't feel left out. This month there isn't any top secret stuff that we have to keep under our hats. I'm a little disappointed.
This morning I have a Foundation party committee meeting. Maybe that will be fruitful and interesting. The new website is live and looking good! Such a relief. The national office now provides a few standard template designs (for branding purposes), with a content management interface. So now I just enter and format the content. Not my preferred method of webmastering, but eh. The staff sent me the best thank you card when the site went live. It included a personal note from each person in the office. Awww!
During yesterday's cake decorating project, the following exchange occurred when Troy was kneading fondant that he was trying to get a really dark brown. It was taking tons of coloring.
Jaxon: Troy, it looks like you took a crap in your hand.
Me: Well, that's why he wore gloves.
Lauren: So he could take a crap in his hand?
I know. You had to be there. Me? I'm still having a giggle fit over it.
I should always post in yesterday's "random thought" format. It suits me.
I'm on two major event committees for the Foundation right now. One I did last year. The other is a special, huuuuuuuge one-time event. Should be ubercool!
The glass guys surprised us with our shower glass this morning. It was supposed to be another two weeks. However... it was cut incorrectly and doesn't fit. *&%^#!!!! But the mirrors are now up. Two more weeks on the shower.
Random thoughts for today:
It's time again for a new Facebook profile photo. I used to change it every month, but really, it's a HUGE hassle. I'm so rarely in candid photos, because I am usually the photographer. (And also I don't go out of my way to get in the picture.) For someone who loves photos and catching Kodak moments, I may be the most non-photogenic person on earth. Yes, I see you people posting unflattering photos of me in your albums. You suck.
So first comes the photography. A lot of people just click a pic with their webcam and post it. I begin the process by taking several pics with an actual camera. Then I view the pics and delete the ones I don't like- usually ones where my hair is doing something ridiculous.
I choose two or three I like, then get Lauren to help me out. This is where it gets entertaining. She always begins our session with a sigh and "These pictures look exactly the same." They sooooo don't. My bangs are sitting in different positions. My head is tilted another way. Varied smiles. Totally different.
Once she starts appreciating the subtle nuances of each, she always likes the one where I look the most like "myself" and have the big "real" smile. (I prefer the ones where I accidentally look like a come-hither Cindy Crawford, but okay.) I like the toothy smiling photos, too, but they also happen to be the ones where the chipmunk cheeks pop out. Yeesh. They're minimal when I do my cute and coy smile, but Lauren hates those because she says they look too flirtatious. Bummer.
I would love to take a photo editing class that would help me trim my derriere, get rid of eye wrinkles and minimize the chipmunk cheeks or the family nose. Alas, I am only competent in removing a zit or red-eye. So if I have either, I run Lauren's choice through PSP, crop and resize and voila! Facebook profile photo.
Uh... is Bob Schneider looking HOT as all GET-OUT lately or WHAT. Notice, I did not end that sentence with a question mark.
Just. Saying.
Thinking about seeing Inglourious Basterds today. I love 3-day weekends! Whee!
Saturday Nine
1. You are walking down a rainy road. There is a five hundred dollar bill on the road. You look around and except for someone a half block away, you are alone. You naturally pick up the bill and put it away. That person approaching stops and says, "I saw you pick up that money. It's mine." You ask how much it was. She yells, "Are you calling me a liar?" What do you do?
How big is she? If I can reason with her, I will talk it out. If she's gonna beat the crap out of me, I'll just give it to her.
2. If I were to inspect your guest bathroom, how would I find it?
Well normally it would be perfectly neat, but right now it has all my bathroom stuff crammed onto the counter.
3. You are given a state of the art bow and arrow. Who or what is your first target (after a lesson or two)?
WHO? Such a violent Saturday Nine. I'll say... Lindsay Lohan.
4. The doorbell rings. The person at the door is wearing a raincoat and you know them. They flash you and are completely naked. Other than your S/O, who would you think would it would be and would guess you'd find that funny? Why do you guess that person and would you laugh or be pissed off?
Does it have to be a guy? Cuz I think it would be Cathy. And I would totally laugh.
5. What do you call a male Ladybug?
I would never look close enough to figure out the sex.
6. Your friends throw you a party. They've got a big national music star to come and perform. It is someone you detest. Do you make believe you like the songs or do you fess up and get the star out of the party?
I would go along with it. It's a party!
7. What's your favorite breed of wild, mean attack dogs?
Dobermans. They're pretty.
8. If I called your high school guidance counselor, what would they say about you?
"She was a straight-A student, active in student clubs, never in my office except to ask about the wife and kids, and make sure her ducks were in a row for college. She's probably pole dancing in Vegas now."
9. Car A is moving at 63 miles an hour. 4 people are in Car A. Car B is moving at 22 miles an hour. There is a driver and passenger who just came from a hotel while cheating on their spouses in Car B. They will crash into each other in exactly 3.5 minutes. What are your fun plans for this Labor day Weekend while these six people meet a brutal and gruesome death??
Hanging out with Kathy while she's in town. Hitting a movie or two. Shopping. House projects.
Lookie what I found for $2 at Kohls. Whimsical wall letters...
Busted out the tunes from A Chorus Line this morning. T&A won't get you jobs... unleeeeess theeeeeeir youuuuurs! lol
One of my old bestest friends Kim and I were reminiscing all day yesterday. I sent her a bunch of photos from elementary/middle school because she doesn't have any. We chit-chatted about teachers and friends. Why is it that I can remember my 5th grade PE teacher's name, but can't recall what I did last weekend?
3 more contractor visits until bathroom completion. YAY.
Three-day weekend. Lots of FOOTBALL! High school game tonight. A&M v. New Mexico tomorrow, although not on TV. (Dang! We're supposed to win that one.) I would listen on the radio, but to be honest, I'll probably be shopping for bathroom stuff. Labor Day sales and all. A girl has to have priorities.
I am boring uninspired today, so I give you my Awesome Song Lyric o' the Day:
The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you
-from "Collide" by Howie Day
On an unrelated note, Rob Thomas rocks my socks.
I was bummed that Jeff can't come with me to back-to-school night tonight, because of a dinner with work project folks. We had fun last year, as did most of the parents, playing "high school." We even had people get their cellphones taken up for talking during class. Too funny. But now Lauren has a guy friend coming over, so I'll have to chaperone and won't go to the school at all. She wanted me to meet her "crazy teachers" tonight. (Crazy in a good way.) I will just meet them other times through the year.
No more contractors today! I only had one, and he was in and out in about ten minutes. The GC came by and inspected everything. We're down to about five more contractor visits until the end. Two are tomorrow. Woooooo!!!! I hate having to hang out here all day. No more of that. They will all be scheduled at a particular time from here on out.
Two things coming up. 1) Lauren wants a kitten and I think we're at a point in our schedules where we can handle that. 2) I want a new cell phone with a data plan, so I can be mobile with the internet. Welcome to the 21st century, right? I'm eligible to get a new phone in the next couple of weeks.
I love when people get their mafias to attack me in Mafia Wars. I have a surprising amount of secret attack and defense points for my mafia size, so watch out! :p
And even better, when my own husband declares war on me and his mafia turns against him to beat the crap out of him. LOL. It was all an experiment to see how "war" works, but it ended up being more an interesting social experiment. Let that be a lesson to you hubbies out there. Ha.
Sunday Stealing: The Ellie Bellie Meme
what are your most common nicknames?
K-squared, Kath
what is today's weather?
sunny and a bit cooler than it has been- high of only 92!!
where did you go on vacation this year?
Charleston, South Carolina
what did you do there?
hung out on Folly Beach
where did you stay?
Holiday Inn Folly Beach
what job do you do?
describe where you live.
a house in suburbia along a greenbelt with coral snakes
what do you usually do on weekends?
football games, go to movies, dinner out, plays/concerts, home shows and such
what food hits your 'bliss spot'?
ribeye at Austin Land & Cattle
what drink really does it for you?
Long Island Iced Tea
describe the first friend that comes to your head.
Kathy L. We were acquainted in high school, and became great friends from day 1 at A&M. She's brilliant, a bit stoic until she's drinking, a huge advocate for her autistic son. Her mostly serious nature balances out my goofiness. We share a love of interior design and margaritas.
what was the last restaurant you went to?
Doc's Backyard
where would you like to live if you had unlimited moneys and nothing stopping your dreams?
(I keep reading this as "unlimited monkeys"...) In Hawaii, in an enormous, contemporary beach house like the one in Weekend at Bernie's. I would fly my friends in anytime they wanted to visit. Come every weekend!
what is the likeliness of you achieving this dream home?
what do you like to do in your spare time?
Hang out on the net. Play video games. I know I'm supposed to say something like hiking and boogie boarding, but there you go.
what's your favorite genre for TV programs?
interior design shows and cooking shows
what's your favorite genre for music?
what's your favorite song that's sad?
Darius Rucker- "It Won't Be Like This For Long"
how about your favorite chick flick?
Love Actually
what are you looking forward to at the moment?
finishing the bathroom remodel- almost done!
what are you dreading at the moment?
grocery shopping
how would you describe your personality?
fun, optimistic, creative, painfully shy in the right (wrong?) set of circumstances
if you had a personality eraser, what part of yours might you erase?
the shy part
you are given $5000 to spend in 1 day, what do you do with it? remember, no limitations!
have a party at the Hyatt on Ladybird Lake
what is your biggest fear?
I'll forgo the obvious cancer answer, and say falling from a high height
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