There's No Crying in Interior Design!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Until today. Gah.
The cabinet guy was supposed to touch up a couple of places where the dark stain hadn't taken on a few drawers of the bathroom cabinets. I specifically asked if that would be an obvious touchup or if it would look okay. They said it would look great. Cuz I would have just left it otherwise.
Without ever calling me into the room, he painted huge swaths of stain over many random spots. Now my gorgeous dark brown cabinets are covered in splotches of stain. AND... he didn't touch the places I had specifically wanted corrected.
I see a complete sanding and restaining of two cabinets in their future. They had better not damage anything else in there in the process.
Oh and he's coming back in an hour. We'll see if I can be my cheery self when I finally talk to him.
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