More Politics 'N' Facebook
Thursday, September 10, 2009
If you post your political opinions on FB, you should own them. I very rarely reply to those statuses, but I do watch the ensuing horror that sometimes ends up with a person's status changing to "Fine. I won't share any more of my personal opinions." Wow. Talk about taking the fun out of Facebook.
I've gone into my thoughts on political Facebook postings before. If you do decide to say something partisan or otherwise controversial, be aware you'll get a lot of support (we're your friends and we love you and want to reply to everything on your page with a plethora of compliments and kudos) and maybe a little opposition (because some people are simply strong believers in the opposing viewpoint and feel compelled to say something). Discussion is okay. Besides, you did put it out there, right?
A moment to acknowledge that some "friends" can be real jerks on your facebook. That is bad manners. I'm talking about the typical, politely disagreeing reply.
When responding to opposing comments, you can be funny and conciliatory or strongly defend your position as you see fit. Just don't toss up a white flag on your own Facebook, for Heaven's sake. Instead of putting up the "gathering my marbles and going home" status, change it to something like "Mowing the lawn."
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