Sept 11

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering that morning I was with about ten other moms at someone's house putting together fundraiser wrapping paper orders for the elementary school. Got that phone call to turn on the TV just after the first plane had hit. Thought every plane in the air was about to rain down across the country. Awful day.

On a happier note, the bathroom is almost complete. Yesterday the tile guy fixed the tub backsplash tile and did all the caulking. This afternoon they'll replace the side of our tub. The window treatment lady is also coming.

Next Wednesday, they'll install the re-cut shower glass. Mirror frames will also go up. That is it, other than a couple of touch-ups on the wall and paint. Eeeeee!!

Friday Five: Bottles

1. When did you last drink something out of a glass bottle?
I had a beer at the Alamo Drafthouse last Sunday.

2. Whose energy would you like to bottle for those future listless days?

3. How many plastic bottles are there in your shower, and what’s in them?
5- my shampoo and conditioner, Jeff's shampoo, my bodywash and the shower cleaner spray

4. Who in your life could be described as "lightning in a bottle"?
I had to look up this phrase. Can you even believe that? WTH. Uhh... Tammy

5. You’re playing Spin-the-Bottle with your sixth-grade classmates. When it’s your turn, to whom do you want the bottle pointing?
Bobby Massicott of course. Who didn't?


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