Monday Monday
Monday, September 14, 2009
I was watching "Ask Aida" on the Food Network this weekend. Aida Mollenkamp calls flour "AP Flour" and she always says, "AP flour... all-purpose flour." Just like Rachel Ray says "EVOO... extra virgin olive oil." If you are going to use a cute little pet name for your favorite ingredient, don't explain it. We got it. Plus it completely negates the benefit of using a shortened term.
For those who are interested, there is a fantastic Time Magazine article describing the complicated post-Berlin-Wall Germany. Oh to be able to fix these issues with some sort of answer benefiting everyone. I think time and the resulting social integration over coming generations will fix most of the issues in Germany. Perhaps it will take a lot of time. Similar to racial issues in the US. Although... this may be more a political issue, socialism vs. democracy, which almost never resolves over time, as most of us share the political views of our parents. Hmm... I'll have to think about that a little more.
Song Lyric of the Day is dead in the water. Between not being able to effectively monetize such an effort (Adsense dollars are waaaaaaay down for me on my other site over the last year) and my husband's obligatory mocking of another of my website ideas, it just ain't worth it. I'm sure Laura is mocking it as well, as those two are peas in a pod on these things. When so moved, I'll continue to post them here!
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