Dream a Little Dream
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Laura dreamed the other night that Jeff built a huge house of enormous wooden rooms, including extravagant ones like a room for his rockets and another for my sewing. (Forget all the Inception-ist "can you remember how you got here" stuff. Am I sewing? Then you know you're dreaming.)
She tells me that while we were giving her the tour, we went out in the backyard and the dad of the neighbor family of "hillbillies" brought over a bag full of hillbilly coinage of some sort, and declared he had enough coins for me to leave Jeff and come live with him. So I went. Right that minute, while Laura was still standing there. And Jeff didn't come after me. (I guess because he had neither foreign currency nor a banjo with which to woo me back.)
Didn't the term "hillbilly" go out of fashion about the same time as "hobo?" Just wondering.
Me: Now why would I ever run off with a hillbilly? Was he cute?
Laura: He didn't have all his teeth.
Me: Maybe he had a big...
Laura: ...bag of money?
Ahahaa! Well there ya go.
Patrick's Saturday Six
1. How many different spices are there in your kitchen?
I have better things to do than go downstairs and count bottles in my spice cabinet. Okay, 55. Yes, I counted. That's a lot, yo. More than I would have guessed, had a I made up a number like I wanted to.
2. Of the spices you have on hand, which one is your favorite one to use?
Montreal Steak Seasoning
3. What liquid flavoring did you use most recently?
liquid smoke
4. You decide to marinade a steak or chicken: do you use a powdered or liquid spice mix?
5. Take the quiz: What Spice Are You?
You Are Oregano
You have are charming, funny, witty, and smart. You love to party - and people love to party with you. You are always friendly and warm. You are able to help people get along.
6. Which spice — whether you have it in your home or not — do you consider the most “exotic”?
So if a man of questionable lineage comes after you, I am just going to let you go. Go ahead and eat squirrel the rest of your life. Heehee!
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