Breast Awareness Night
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Our game night gang did an outing to the Austin Aztex game last night, where the Aztex beat the Miami Blues 3-1. Woo! The constant drumming of the core fan group is still in force. I was prepared this time, so it wasn't annoying; however, there was a lone wolf on our end of the stadium, beating his drum out of sync all night. Ack.
When we arrived, the Aztex were practicing in pink jerseys. Bruce asked someone "official" what was up with that. They said, "It's breast awareness night!" That became the running gag of the evening. Actually it was breast CANCER awareness night, which is not nearly as entertaining.
After the game, we went to Magnolia Cafe, to which I have not been in all my years here. It was really good. Must go back!
Sunday Stealing: 28 Question Meme
1. Was your dad named after anyone?
2. What do you think is the minimal age to get married?
I think it's good to be at least 22. That's having been responsible for yourself for at least four years, and/or out of college, degree in hand.
3. What’s the longest time that you've been involved with the same person?
Jeff and I have been together (dating/engaged/married) for over 21 years (plus 1 year we dated before that). If we're talking strictly dating time, I dated Evans for the longest, at around 3 years, with half of that on an exclusive basis until I left home for college.
4. What actor/actress do you consider hot at the moment?
Bradley Cooper
5. What is your favorite album by a band?
Rio by Duran Duran
6. What is your favorite album by an individual artist?
Purple Rain by Prince
7. What is something that you‘d rather be a bit dirty?
I can't think of a thing.
8. What was the last TV show that you watched?
Ghost Adventures
9. How many people have you met from the blogosphere? Who are they?
No one from the Blogosphere. Many people from message boards.
10. What's your philosophy on life?
Life is short. Participate and enjoy it.
11. Do you think prescription drugs are over prescribed?
Yes. There's a pill for everything.
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
Yes I would.
13. What is your favorite memory in the last year?
Standing at Fort San Felipe del Morro in San Juan, looking down along the coast. Beautiful.
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Blaring Lady Gaga
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
A few years ago, I made a scrapbook for the CFO of Southwest Airlines.
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they?
BMW Z4, a rockin' beach house on a secluded beach, enough money to have time and means to travel the world any time I want to
17. Who would you want to get together with and make a cake?
Paula Deen
18. Which country is your spiritual home?
USA baby
19. What is your big weakness?
chocolate. I stay away as much as possible. The stuff is everywhere.
20. Do you think Judd Corizan is a good person?
He's awesome.
21. What was your best/favorite subject at school?
22. Describe your accent:
I don't have much of an accent, but I can turn on a full Texas drawl anytime.
23. If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
There are minor tweaks I would make, but nothing big.
24. What do you wear to sleep?
a short night gown or nothing
25. What is your favorite casual outfit to wear?
dark brown shorts with my tight and girly Aggie tshirt and cute flip-flops
26. Do you use cigarettes or alcohol?
No cigarettes. I drink, but not a lot. I'll usually have 1-2 drinks when I'm out with a group, and none if I'm driving.
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!)
I'd take you to a theme park and we'd ride all those coasters you've always been afraid of.
28. Rate the memes that you play generally. Use any scale or just in order.
1. Sunday Stealing
2. Saturday Nine
3. Monday Mayhem
4. Thursday Thunks
5. Friday Five
6. Wednesday Wickedness
7. Patrick's Saturday Six
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