What the...?!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I told Jeff that I was dismayed that I had four gray hairs. He said, "That's pretty bad, since you color your hair."


If I colored my hair... how would I have any gray ones.

I had permanent color applied only once, in the form of highlights, about 15 years ago. I had it touched up twice and then let it grow out. Maybe once a year, I play around with a temporary color that completely disappears in 20 washes. Last time I did that was February. I mean, really.

I suppose he thinks the boobs are fake, too. ;)

I also learned something about him this weekend. He was not a big A&M University fan before he went there. He really wanted to go to USC! He would have been out-of-state, so it was going to be too expensive. Then he had to choose a Texas school, and decided on A&M. He says he "grew to love it." Wha??!!!! Wow. I guess by the time I met him he was into it.

I am still shocked. There just aren't that many people who are ambivalent about going there. There's my aunt. My grandparents had lived in College Station for several years, and she just got her degree at A&M because it was convenient. She has absolutely no warm fuzzy feelings about it, to this day. Oh, and many of our foreign students who knew nothing about the Aggie culture before they showed up. They were there because it was a great engineering school. To me, the renowned college of engineering was just a bonus. I was going there anyway.


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