Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yesterday was the Mondayest Monday EVER. Positively suckeriffic. That's all I have to say about that.

How did I forget to mention that George Clooney was awesome on the Emmys the other night in his little intro clip? Well, he so was. And he won a humanitarian award, too. :D

Kiptyn has finally eaten. Kitten formula at $5 per 8 ounces, but it's something! Now he just needs to stop eating the cat litter, and use the litter box for its intended purpose, and he'll be good. Maya is doing very well.

Keeping my eye out for two good concerts to come through- one in Austin for Angel to come and visit me, and one in Houston to go to with Renee. There is nothing yet! Come on, people.

And I'm off to open the library. Have a good morning, my friends!



Monday, August 30, 2010

Moe the hermit crab hadn't been eating or drinking for several days, that I could tell, and she hadn't been out and about. I finally summoned the courage to look for her under the substrate. I pulled her out, and in the hole where she had been... I saw... a bunch of legs and her big claw!! *horror movie scream* I looked in the shell, and there she was, claw intact. I can't see past the claw when she's all curled up, but I assume the rest of her is intact as well. Seems she is molting. So she's been eating the shell. I know it's gross, kids, but it's the circle of life. Or something like that. Anyway, whew.

New kittens! Kiptyn and Maya. I'll post photos as soon as I get a good one where one or the other isn't blurred from running around at the speed of light. They're brother and sister. Kiptyn is tan and longer-haired with some tabby markings and Maya is short-haired and all black, but she'll probably end up looking like her mom, who is black with brown spots. Kiptyn ate a little bit of clumping cat litter, which can be dangerous, so we're watching him. I switched to non-clumping, so it won't matter if he eats any more. Evidently you're not supposed to use clumping litter with kittens, although Maya didn't have any problem with it. Who knew?


Good Morning, Beautiful Sunday!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

There's a Cindie's lingerie and adult toy store in BRYAN, Texas? Don't ask me how or why I know this. I'm just surprised. Of course, I'm also the one who assumed there weren't tattoo places in BCS either. Or gay bars. Did I even live there, for gosh' sake?

In other news... The new rage in lip color is "lip stain."  I have two. I think they're just food-grade magic markers. They market themselves as "semi-permanent," which sounded fabulous to me, but scary if you get the wrong color. Although they do last longer than lipstick, they are hardly semi-permanent. So, don't be afraid of them like I was.

Jeff and I went to Fuddruckers on Friday night, because I hadn't been in a hundred years (= 5-6 months). There was a nice-looking guy in front of us by himself, who proceeded to order, sit down alone, eat and leave just after us. No one ever joined him. We were sitting in the car when he came out of the restaurant. While Jeff was fiddling with his GPS, I started pondering what happened to this poor dude.

Me: He looks lonely. Why would a guy like that be eating alone?
Jeff: Maybe he got stood up.
Me: No way. He's a hot guy... ohhhhmigosh with a great truck (as he's getting in). Something's wrong with him. He's probably a druggie. I'm thinking meth. Aww. I wonder if his parents know.

(Of course, he has money to eat out and he's hot and he maintains his impressive vehicle, so probably not meth. I watch Dateline you know. Perhaps he's in the early days of his unfortunate addiction.)

Then he backs his truck up and drives around and down our parking lane- going the wrong direction.

Me: He's driving the wrong way in the parking lot. HA. I knew it. Drugs.
Jeff: That's probably it.

Jeff sometimes entertains my goofy streak.

Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part Two

21. If you were to live your life without your best friend, what would change?
I have a few best friends. If any of them weren't around, I think I'd feel a bit lost.

22. Tell us about a era of your life that you really miss.
I always think of college when this sort of question comes up, because I basically missed out on my senior year, so I always want that awesome time back. But today I'm going with Lauren's preschool years, like age 2-5. I was super-active in Mothers Club then, and we were always out with all our little trips and tours, playgroups, etc. Back then it was loads of fun just to hang out at the park with all the moms and kiddos, or heck, even just she and I in the backyard, doing nothing but watching the bugs and birds. I liked the simplicity of that time. I loved watching her learn and grow so fast.

23. Have you ever been betrayed by someone that came as a complete surprise? Without revealing the person, if yes, tell us about it.
Isn't it usually a complete surprise when one is betrayed? My first boyfriend and I never went all the way, mostly because we were fairly young (I was 15/16, he was 16/17) during the time we dated. It would have been both our first times. We talked about it a lot, and it was a constant "should we or shouldn't we?" but we never went through with it. One night, we had a huge, very serious argument and broke up. The next day, he had sex with someone for the sole purpose of hurting me. He even called to tell me so. Here, years later, I'm thinking- that poor (slutty) girl! Worse than being the rebound girl is being the getting-back-at-my-ex girl.

24. Do you ever think that is a good idea to hide your feelings?
Ummmm... sometimes. I don't mean keeping my feelings a secret from anyone affected by them. That is not a good idea. Just if they seem inappropriate for the time and place, or are unlike what I think they should be, I hide them or tone them down. Self-control. It's what separates us from apes.

25. Tell us about your favorite year when you were a student.
Senior year of high school. First of all, it was senior year, which rocked. I had a large group of very close friends, who I'd known since 8th grade. A fantastic boyfriend. Perfect schedule. I had quit my job as a restaurant hostess so I could do all my senior-ish activities without having to switch shifts and stuff. There were lots of parties, and OHMIGOSH... Senior Musical was an incredible experience!! All the practices and performances and dressing up in our Carnival costumes. Christmas Dance was cool. We all stayed overnight at the Galvez in Galveston, where the dance was held. Prom was at the Warwick Post Oak in downtown Houston. That was the one where Evans didn't tell his mom he was going, and my mother and I picked up his tux for him, so she wouldn't know. I can't remember if it was his father or his step-dad who secretly let him take his vehicle, but we were in a beautiful car. Parents in cahoots with the kids. Terrible, but it had to be done. It was a great prom! Everyone was so over-the-top dressed up, even more than Christmas Dance. And of course, graduation was amazing. Just being with everyone and all the gatherings afterward.

25. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? What caused it?
Date night on Friday! Until Jeff got the back spasm that he still has. Yikes.

26. Have you ever had a romantic relationship with a sibling of a good friend?
No, but I did kiss one of Cathy's brothers once. The whole family teases me about it to this day. Why me and not him? :p

27. Tell us about the last thing that you did that you truly regret.
Kissing Cathy's brother. Just kidding. That wasn't the last thing. Kidding again! Buying the built-in microwave we bought. They don't make space-saver ones anymore at all, and we didn't know space was such an issue until we replaced ours. Now there is too little space between the bottom of the microwave and the top of the cooktop to effectively cook anything in a pot. No way to fix it, other than to cut the cabinetry or replace the microwave with a hood and get a countertop model.

28. When did you laugh today?
Chad's FB status had all this "blah blah blah" through it. Later, he commented, "You guys remember when you could blah blah blah twice in one night? Good times." *g*

29. Do you trust easily?
Yes. You either do or you don't, I guess. And in the end, I'd rather trust people easily and occasionally be disappointed, than not to trust people. Now, if we're talking business transactions, that is a totally different ball game. Then I don't trust anyone. Get it all in writing.

30. What do you care about that you wish more people would?

31. Is it easier for you to go without food or go without sleep?
Sleep. I get really dizzy when I don't eat.

32. What non-alcohol beverage do you enjoy drinking the most?
I usually drink water with a splash of sweet tea or lemonade, not because I enjoy it, but because it's natural and practically calorie-free. I most enjoy drinking Diet Dr. Pepper, although I rarely have it.

33. When you walk into a room full of strangers, generally how is your confidence?
Not great. I can fake the confidence part pretty well, but I'm still usually fairly quiet in a room of strangers.

34. Does talking about sex with anyone but your lover make you uncomfortable?
Nope. I'm very comfortable talking about it with friends.

35. Do you tend to believe members of the opposite sex mostly behave the same way?
As with all stereotypes, there are a few generalities that apply to most men (and women). Otherwise, a stereotype would not exist. I believe the vast majority of a man's personality is not comprised of "typical man" behaviors. The few things that I think are typical, I try not to assume.

36. Did you drink any alcohol this week? If yes, what?
I did not.

37. Would you ever consider being a vegetarian?
No way. We have canine teeth so we can eat rib eye steak.

38. Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for someone?

39. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?
This goes against my naturally romantic nature, but... no. I think if there were one single person on earth who you would be happy with, and all others are kinda "eh," that would be a sad thing indeed, because the chances of locating that person are infinitely small.

40. Last week, we had a few players criticize our victim’s questions. Which is fine to do and we value your opinion. Would you ever consider writing questions for Bud and me to post on a Sunday Stealing? 
I would LOVE to write a meme myself. Mwahahahaaa!! Can I make certain people answer?


Saturday in the ATX

Saturday, August 28, 2010

That woman in the UK who tossed a cat in the trash is a disgusting excuse for a human being. Now the police are using their resources to keep her safe from people who have threatened her over it. She should have to foot the bill for that!

As a side note, I'm going to start calling our trash cans "wheelie bins" like they do. So cute.

Saturday 9: Little Miss Can't Be Wrong

1. Who was the last person you dealt with that felt that they could never be wrong?
My husband who Googles every factoid on which we disagree. But I love him anyway.

2. Tell us about one person who is the most like you.
No question- Angel. Not only do we have extremely similar personalities, we always say we are living parallel lives. (The distinct similarity of our paths is rather Twilight Zone-y, as a matter-of-fact.) (How old am I, that I am still referring to the Twilight Zone?) She is funny and laughs easily and often. She's resilient- life cannot kick her butt. She's a fantastic and thoughtful friend. She is very spontaneous. She loves going places and doing things and just enjoying life.

3. What is something you really want right now?
an iced mocha and a shoulder massage please

4. What are you doing this weekend?
Hanging out with the hubby. Lauren is on a retreat. I'll do something with KathyL. Would love to go to Sheryl Crow/Colbie Caillat! Picking up our kittens on Sunday.

5. Are you in a good mood? If yes, Why?
Yes, because it's kitty weekend!

6. Do you have an ex that you are pretty sure thinks about you a lot?
Uh, no, but they all should. Am I right ladies?

7. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't?
Play piano by ear. I would loooooove that.

8. What's one trait you hate in a person?
the psychotic desire to throw a cat into a trashcan

9. What's one thing you like to do alone?
Shop for clothes, if it's a particular thing I need to get. Looking for one item, I tend to run through the stores, skipping them if they don't have it. No lingering! However, if we're just shopping for whatever catches our eye, than I like to go with someone and spend all day.


Friday Paper Cutter Tips

Friday, August 27, 2010

Joe on Real Housewives of NJ had a big ol' glass of red wine and Coke this week. Ack. Well I found out that this is a very popular drink in Spain, called Calimocho. Think of it as a Spanish wine cooler. Mix a cheap red wine and cola one-to-one in a pitcher and serve. It sounds questionable to me, and I only have good reds here right now, but I'll try it.

At the library this week, I've been doing a lot of work with the paper cutter. The giant manual sort, with the scary Razor Arm of Death (RAD).

A few tips:

1) Do not lift the RAD and load paper with two hands, placing one beneath the arm, as this will be the moment the RAD drops about three inches, scaring the crap out of you.

2) The cutter has a guide that makes it appear as though it will cut through... I don't know... 150 sheets of paper. In actuality, it cleanly cuts about 8.

3) Do not attempt to cut sticky things with the paper cutter. Just. Don't. Not only do they twist and cut unevenly, but they muck up the RAD, which you then have to clean while trying not to touch it.

4) If you're cutting a ream or two of spiffy cool bookmarks, it is very tempting to increase each subsequent batch size over the aforementioned limit of 8. You think you've invented and perfected the Double-Slice technique, which involves hammering the RAD twice in quick succession, to get that tricky bottom half to cut without ripping. Don't be tempted. People hear the Double-Slice and know exactly what you're doing, and it scares the crap out of them. Plus, you're likely to lose a finger. Then you've ruined tens of bookmarks.

Happy Friday!!


I Played at Your Slots

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Mafia Wars update "So-and-so played at your slots today" is a great euphemism for something. Not sure what. I'm just saying.

Thursday Thunks: Giving Away Money

1. To whom did you last give the finger?
ScottK at the Aztex game. It's a game night tradition.

2. If you had 1,000 dollars and HAD to spend it, what would you buy?
a new cooktop

3. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Water. Drinking from a cup is hard when you're out of breath. I need a squirt bottle.

4. When was the last photograph you took? What was it of?
I took a picture of my new washer and dryer yesterday for the blog.

5. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
It's been a while. Let's see... I think it would be my dad a couple of years ago on my back porch.

6. What animal did you last pet or hold?
My grandpa's dog Ernie.

7. What was the last superstitious thing you did?
I don't do anything superstitious.

8. What was the last text message you received?
"All she said was 'has she left yet.'" from Jeff, who wondered where I went when Laura kidnapped me to her book club last night. Laura had talked to him, and I assumed she said I was going to Robin's with her, but she didn't mention it.

9. What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?
Piano. For the last several days, Lauren has been playing the haunting "Save Us" by Cartel.

10. What was the last note that you wrote on your hand?
Maybe my high school locker combination? I don't write on myself unless I absolutely have to.

11. What are you wearing as you answer these ridiculously stupid TT questions?
black shorts, orange/brown patterned top



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm a liiiiiiittle giddy about my new deliveries.

Kittens? Noooooo.


(Red!!) Unfortunately I just did laundry yesterday.

ETA: They look like they still need a little leveling. :/


What the...?!!!

I told Jeff that I was dismayed that I had four gray hairs. He said, "That's pretty bad, since you color your hair."


If I colored my hair... how would I have any gray ones.

I had permanent color applied only once, in the form of highlights, about 15 years ago. I had it touched up twice and then let it grow out. Maybe once a year, I play around with a temporary color that completely disappears in 20 washes. Last time I did that was February. I mean, really.

I suppose he thinks the boobs are fake, too. ;)

I also learned something about him this weekend. He was not a big A&M University fan before he went there. He really wanted to go to USC! He would have been out-of-state, so it was going to be too expensive. Then he had to choose a Texas school, and decided on A&M. He says he "grew to love it." Wha??!!!! Wow. I guess by the time I met him he was into it.

I am still shocked. There just aren't that many people who are ambivalent about going there. There's my aunt. My grandparents had lived in College Station for several years, and she just got her degree at A&M because it was convenient. She has absolutely no warm fuzzy feelings about it, to this day. Oh, and many of our foreign students who knew nothing about the Aggie culture before they showed up. They were there because it was a great engineering school. To me, the renowned college of engineering was just a bonus. I was going there anyway.


Random Tuesday

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Well, we are getting two kittens! Kiptyn and Maya. I'm so excited! We have ordered or purchased all the kitty things for two cats. Whew. We'll get the kittens next Sunday when Lauren gets back from her high school girls' retreat.

The Bloggess's dog died from an allergic reaction the other day, and I've been reading about her dealing with it, and her posts are terribly sad, and poignant and funny. If you've ever lost a pet, you'll appreciate it. Now that we're getting the kittens, I've been thinking about our kitty, Spanky, who died two summers ago.

Quantum leap here (not that anyone should be surprised)---- My badge photo for work ROCKS!! I usually end up with the suckiest pictures on that sort of stuff. My driver's license has the absolute worst photo ever. Luckily, everyone looks twice and says it doesn't look like me. That should be reason enough to be able to get a new license. I think I have two more years left on that silly thing. But the work badge should seriously go in a frame.

Look what Eva made me to bring my old, dusty LiveJournal up-to-date:

SWEET! Eye-candy profile pic---- check! Now if I can just remember to copy these blog posts to my LJ every day, I'll be set.

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Do you tend to think more or speak more?
Think more.

2. How often do you find yourself writing down your thoughts so that you won’t forget some good idea?
I do a lot of writing of notes and lists.

3. What location allows you to do the best thinking?
Lauren will laugh at this one. I do my best thinking on our back porch. It's quiet and it looks out to the woods beyond the fence. Sometimes she finds me out there just sitting, without my netbook or a puzzle book or anything, and she'll ask, "Thinking?" "Yep." Sometimes I'm just watching the birds and squirrels, but it's nice to keep everyone thinking I'm pondering world peace.

4. During which routine activity do you tend to do your best thinking?
At the Foundation, when we're doing a mailout and I am stuffing envelopes. Another good one is while I'm hand-washing dishes.

5. Take the quiz: What does your favorite Thought Bubble say about you?
Your Thoughts Are Constructive
You are a highly analytical person, and you tend to sit back and coolly assess a situation.
With you, logic and facts rule. And you never jump to conclusions.
You are always looking to think in new ways. You believe that reflecting is a good way to better yourself.
You tend to think before you talk or act. You are calmer than most people around you.

6. Go back to the test and choose your second choice: which of the two better describes you?
Definitely the first ^^. While I tend to be passionate and emotional, and sometimes jump to conclusions (only sometimes. I see you out there. :p) ... I definitely assess things and think before I speak or act. I'm very reflective and aware of my own thoughts. I just picked the heart because it's so cute!

Your Thoughts Are Emotional
It often seems like you think with your heart instead of your head. Passion is often clouding that brain of yours.
It's hard for you to be aware of your own thoughts, and you find yourself acting before you think things through.
Your thoughts often overwhelm other people, and they sometimes overwhelm you. You tend to say whatever is on your mind.
You react quickly and change your mind just as fast. You're always thinking about something!



Monday, August 23, 2010

A good friend of Lauren's died in a car accident yesterday. We're absolutely sick about it. Parents, especially of young drivers, hug your kids tight today and remind them to always, always wear their seatbelts.


The Majorly Personal Meme- Part One

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Michigan is in two pieces? Mmmkay. I had no idea. Well, it's officially the weirdest-shaped state. Why didn't Wisconsin just keep that piece in the north? Did a bunch of folks from Cheboygen just cross the lake one day and claim it? Watch out, Toronto. Detroit is coming for you next.

Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part One

1. Are you happier now than you were five months ago?

2. Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone that you shouldn't have?

3. Can you sleep in total darkness?
I prefer to have a sliver of light somewhere, so I know where I am in the space, but I like it very dark.

4. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, the one who got away, what do you say?
The one for whom I fell the hardest didn't get away.

5. What do you think about the weather this summer?
It was great the first half, and has been hotter than bloody blazes the second.

6. How many people do you trust with everything?
Everything? One.

7. What was the last thing you drank?

8. Is there anyone you want to come see you?
So many people! But mostly Angel and Scotty.

9. Name one thing you love about winter.
Black leather boots, baby.

10. Have you ever dated a Goth?
No, that personality type wouldn't be a match for me at all.

11. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
School starting and a more "normal" schedule.

12. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
It's too early in the morning to already dislike something. Yesterday, I disliked that we spent the afternoon separate from Lauren. I wanted to do something all together, but we had different things we wanted/needed to do.

13. What's the longest that you have committed to one person and one person only?
about 21 years

14. What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
Looked at the clock

15. Has anyone ever told you they never want to ever lose you?
Of course.

16. Is there anybody that you wish you could fix your relationship with?
I have one broken relationship right now, but no desire to fix it.

17. Could you go out in public, looking like you do now?
No. I'm in my skimpy GapBody nightgown. Also I require at least mascara and lip balm before I exit the house.

18. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? How?
Yes. I'm fairly certain it will get cooler. Otherwise, I'm not expecting much in the way of change, which is good since I just started working for the first time in 17 years. That's change enough for me at the moment.

19. Do you believe that you never know what you've got until you lose it?
No. If you're aware, you know what you've got. If you don't realize what you have until it's gone, perhaps that's one of the reasons it left.

20. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
There are a few guys that I can talk to about just about anything.


Kittens and Surveys and Bears... Oh My!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

From this article on the Ohio bear attack, where a bear killed its caretaker:

...There are no plans to euthanize the bear, Drozdowski said. Authorities will investigate before deciding on any criminal charges.
I hope that bear gets a good lawyer.

You hate to laugh, but that's funny.

Lauren decided on Kiptyn as a name for her kitten that we're getting next weekend. (Kiptyn Locke is from Jillian's season of "The Bachelorette.") We may take one of his sisters, too, although having two cats is a little overwhelming to me. When we were trying to come up with kitten names for Kiptyn, I was thinking how much time we spent putting together Lauren's name when I was pregnant with her. Lauren was one of my favorite names. It has favorable personality traits associated with it. It can't be shortened to an annoying nickname. It sounds great with our last name, unlike my equal favorite- Ashley.

Then I chose her middle name because I liked it, but it was way too common for a first name. Of course, mostly I chose it because it sounded awesome for those times you use the first and middle names, when you're yelling at them. We must have said it like that a hundred times before she was born, just looking forward to saying it for real. (Cuz that's the kind of stuff that's fun when you are preparing for your first child.) Problem is, she's a great kid and I have never used both names! DUDE. What a waste.

I don't have much time left. If she even looks at me sideways this weekend, I'm totally using it.

Saturday 9: Welcome Back

1. Where were you the last time that someone welcomed you back?
The first couple of days of our cruise, where the Royal Caribbean staff frequently said, "Welcome back, Mrs. Smith!" (They used my actual name, which has been changed here to protect me from crazy internet stalkers.) Your seapass card has your Crown and Anchor membership level on it, which indicates how many cruises you've been on with RCCL.

2. Tell us who is your favorite non-family member to hang out with?
All of them are awesome, but KathyL did make me brownies to go with my red wine. She gets brownie points for that.

3. What was the last thing that happened to anger you?
Jeff getting snippy with me for the first time in forever last weekend. I don't have much patience for that with him anymore, but I should.

4. What was the last thing that you saw that was shocking to see?
The "Deadliest Catch" episode when Captain Harris died from a stroke. Yikes. So sad.

5. What is your favorite thing to do on Saturday besides Saturday 9?
hike a trail

6. Have you had your summer vacation yet? If yes tell us about it.
Yes! We went to Orlando with Angel and her family, and then on a Caribbean cruise with Jim and Jaxon. FABulous.

7. Pick out one of your cousins and tell us about them.
Diane is a gorgeous blonde who can take all her hair and magically stick it up on her head with only a pencil or any other stick-like object. Two years younger than me. She lives in Spring, a suburb of Houston. She smiles and laughs a lot. She's also a very strong person. She's so fun and I love her to death!

8. Do you have any special plans for next week?
School starts. Also we are getting a kitten!

9. At what age will you consider yourself old and why?
Seventy-five. Why? Because I think 70 can still be middle age, depending on your personality and health, but 80 is always old, so I took the average.



Friday, August 20, 2010

Let me clarify something from my last post: We didn't actually sleep in the sand on graduation night. We were all inside or on top of our vehicles.

KathyL and I went to Corazon at Castle Hill last night. The place was packed with theater-goers for Zach Scott (Metamorphoses and The Drowsy Chaperone) and Bass Concert Hall (Jersey Boys). I had the first ever New York strip steak I've ever liked. It has Guajillo Manchego Butter on it. Who wouldn't like that? Also tried nopalitos (prickly pear cactus) salad, which was great.

One of my ex-boyfriends' brother tagged him yesterday on Facebook in some photos. I poked around the brother's pics, and noticed the kid is hot as all get-out. (I call this 37-ish-year-old man a "kid," because the last time I saw him he was about 12.) He's done some modeling. Holy cow. Funny how people grow up, isn't it?

Friday Five: Mint!

1. How picky are you about toothpaste?
Pretty picky. I hate toothpaste that has a mild flavor or any that are too airy and foamy. It sort of makes me wanna hurl.

2. What’s the best cooked dish you’ve had that included mint?
Eww. I don't eat cooked dishes with mint.

3. How far would you have to go from where you are right now to get a breath mint?
About 100 feet, downstairs to my purse.

4. Got any gum?
Always! I love gum.

5. What’s something you keep in mint condition?
I'm not big on keeping anything perfect and untouchable, but the things I keep the most pristine are my wedding and anniversary rings.


Thursday... and All is Well

Thursday, August 19, 2010

We finally watched "Real Housewives of DC." It is like watching paint dry. It's all hug-hug-, kiss-kiss, posh party after posh party. The women are over-the-top snobs with no personalities at all. And that one older lady who is dating the hot, young guy- she is waaaaaay too old for him. Creepy. I couldn't even make it through episode 1.

This is a duplicate Song Lyrics du Jour from months ago, but we've started listening to this CD in the car again and I'm still so in love with this song. Beautiful, plaintive melody coupled with heart-wrenching lyrics. So. Good. I'll give you all a different snippet than the one I used before:

Lyrics of the Day

...Now there's tears in her eyes 
As she's screaming goodbyes 
I run 'long side the car... turning numb to the sound....

Ron Pope "Fireflies"

Thursday Thunks

A. If you see a tornado out your window, what do you do?
Run to the inside bathroom. After that, I'm not sure, because there isn't any way to know when it's safe to come out.

B. A celebrity knocks on your door saying that their tour bus/limo/pedal bike broke down (you pick the transportation)... who is it and what do you do to help them?
It's Clooney, on a motorcycle. I'd set him down on my couch with an ice cold Shiner, chat him up a bit, and then give him a phone to call his people.

C. Brett is back on the Vikings - do you really give a crap?

D. Cookie Monster eats vegetables now. Is this OK with you?
Absolutely not. Cookies are not inherently evil. It's okay to eat them now and then. The kids have always known Cookie Monster ate too many cookies. That was half the fun- shaking your head at Cookie Monster and all that mess of crumbs.

E. Is the town you live in famous for anything? Infamous for anything?
We are most famous for being the live music capital of the world. Infamous for the UT Tower incident in 1966, when a student shot a bunch of people and 13 died.

F. Coffee flavored bubble gum - would you?
I might.

G. So Kimber lost her fight with a granite table.... what did you ever lose a fight with?
A deer crossing Highway 6, back in the day.

H. Have you ever slept beneath the stars?
Yep. High school graduation night, a bunch of us slept on the beach.

I. School is starting up soon, or has for some, did you get a new pair of tennis shoes every year while you were in school?
I got some new clothes each year, but not always new tennis shoes.

J. What two flavors do you love that you would never want to taste at the same time?
pickles and coffee

K. Did you ever accidentally walk in on your parents doing the nasty? Did you ever purposely walk in on them?
Yes, accidentally. Who would EVER EVER do that on purpose?? *shiver*


FB "Out of Town" Status

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I guess people really aren't that sick of political corruption yet. The Blagojevich jurors wussed out and found him guilty of one out of twenty-four counts. Yeesh.

So, there is continuous discussion at my house about the safety of posting on Facebook that one is not at home. More specifically, Jeff telling me that. (Does he know me? I am the queen of internet paranoia privacy!)

Some easy ways I address this issue:

1) Most of the time, I do not specify in my status that I am with anyone in my family. I simply say that I am somewhere. I don't imply that the whole fam is there, so no one knows if the house is empty or not.

2) I have a friends list that I call "Vacation." It is limited to close friends. If we leave town, before I make any sort of posts that I am leaving for the airport or packing or something, I change the privacy setting of my statuses to be visible to only that group. I post whatever I want to during my trip. Then when I return, I switch my privacy back to the normal setting. You could also use a group like this for an individual status where you are saying you are not home.

3) I don't friend people I don't know. People who use Facebook for networking might want to be vigilant about personal statuses, or use a friend list for privacy. That cute guy you FB-friended at the airport bar may be a burglar... or a stalker who shows up at your hotel during your girls' weekend in Vegas.

There's a happy medium between checking in every half hour via Foursquare and never mentioning you are out of the house. It's social media. We share what we're doing. There is a way to do it pretty safely.


Dream a Little Dream

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Laura dreamed the other night that Jeff built a huge house of enormous wooden rooms, including extravagant ones like a room for his rockets and another for my sewing. (Forget all the Inception-ist "can you remember how you got here" stuff. Am I sewing? Then you know you're dreaming.)

She tells me that while we were giving her the tour, we went out in the backyard and the dad of the neighbor family of "hillbillies" brought over a bag full of hillbilly coinage of some sort, and declared he had enough coins for me to leave Jeff and come live with him. So I went. Right that minute, while Laura was still standing there. And Jeff didn't come after me. (I guess because he had neither foreign currency nor a banjo with which to woo me back.)


Didn't the term "hillbilly" go out of fashion about the same time as "hobo?" Just wondering.

Me: Now why would I ever run off with a hillbilly? Was he cute?
Laura: He didn't have all his teeth.
Me: Maybe he had a big...
Laura: ...bag of money?

Ahahaa! Well there ya go.

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. How many different spices are there in your kitchen?
I have better things to do than go downstairs and count bottles in my spice cabinet. Okay, 55. Yes, I counted. That's a lot, yo. More than I would have guessed, had a I made up a number like I wanted to.

2. Of the spices you have on hand, which one is your favorite one to use?
Montreal Steak Seasoning

3. What liquid flavoring did you use most recently?
liquid smoke

4. You decide to marinade a steak or chicken: do you use a powdered or liquid spice mix?

5. Take the quiz: What Spice Are You?
You Are Oregano
You have are charming, funny, witty, and smart. You love to party - and people love to party with you. You are always friendly and warm. You are able to help people get along.

6. Which spice — whether you have it in your home or not — do you consider the most “exotic”?


Your Name Was....?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Today I met a whole brand new slew of people at work. I had my name-remembering powers turned way up, as I am not a person who remembers names without concentrating on it. Actually, it's mostly about if I think I'll see a person again or not, and how long we'll be interacting of it's a one-time meeting. If I'm meeting you for two seconds and you'll be out of my life forever, chances are good that I won't remember your name when I inevitably see you the next morning at Target... and you say, "Hi Kathy!!"

I guess that's why I was never sorority president.

Of all my name-remembering friends, Donna is best at it. When meeting and networking with gajillions of folks is a major part of your work, I guess you get a lot of practice. Actually... she may have been her sorority's president before her media job.

Anyhoo... I will definitely be interacting with these fine people for a while. Oddly, it then becomes extremely important to me that I remember all of their names after I hear them only once. I'm doing what I did my first day- sitting here thinking of as many people as I can and reminding myself what their names were. The first day I had forgotten one, but today I am at 100%!


Sunday Stealing

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Stealing: The Crafty Fifty Meme, Part Two

26. What do you normally smell like?
Dove soap or Pure Grace perfume, which actually smells a lot like a soap

27. Do you like Carrie Underwood?
LOVE her, and I'm not into country music

28. Been to “The Vegas”?
It sounds like a hotel, but I assume this means Las Vegas? Yes, I've been to Vegas twice and I love it, even though I don't really gamble. I did play some video poker when I was there last time, but it's not my activity of choice.

29. How far away do you live from your parents?
It's about 1750 miles from here to my Dad's in Binghamton, NY.

30. Are you happy with your job?

31. Where do you work and what do you do there?
I work at a library doing just about everything- cataloging and processing incoming materials, checking things in/out, assisting people with the library computers, etc.

32. What did you get in the mail today?
Last mail I saw was Thursday's, which included a catalog from Robert Redford's "Sundance" store, a doctor bill, and a bunch of junkmail we tossed in a trash can at a gas station on the way to Dallas.

33. How do you like your steak cooked?
medium rare please

34. Britney Spears…is she back?

35. What do you usually order at Taco Bell?
a chalupa and pintos n' cheese

36. Have you ever sat all the way through Gone With the Wind?

37. Have you ever been to Mt Rushmore?

38. Is it just me, or was The Marine (w/John Cena) a really horrible movie?
I've never seen it. I'll take your word for it.

39. Are surveys like the cocaine of myspace?
MySpace hasn't closed up shop yet?? It's the cocaine of the blogosphere as well then.

40. Where is your favorite place (that you have actually been to)?
This is a difficult question! I'll say Hawaii.

41. What is your favorite candle scent?
Buttercream Frosting

42. Do you believe places can really be haunted?
No, but I can still get a little freaked out on a ghost tour when the mood is set.

43. Do you smoke cigarettes?

44. Have you ever been to NYC or LA?
I've not been to LA, but I have been to NYC several times.

45. How many states have you been to where all you saw was the airport?
Maybe 3

46. Do you think 50 questions is enough?
Twenty-five is enough, since this one was split up over two weeks.

47. Are you currently planning a trip?
We are hoping to go to NYC in December with Angel and Kevin.

48. Is Ryan Seacrest gay? Should anyone care?
I think so. The only people who should care are the people who want to date him.

49. Do you take anti-depressants? Sleeping pills?
No and no

50. What do you think about space travel?
My dad worked in spacecraft simulation (for astronauts, not gamers) most of his career and worked at NASA for several years. I think it's very important to continue our exploration of space, because of the vast unknown, but I understand that funds may be cut to pay for things of a more pressing nature here on Earth.


Good Morning

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I got up too early, so here I am on Blogger.

After last night's events, most of us went back to the hotel, 1/4 mile away from the ball park in Arlington, to watch the Rangers/Red Sox game on TV. The hotel is filled to the brim with Red Sox fans who attended the game, other than one who was hanging out in the bar where we were. We ended up watching most of the game at Boston's, where we went to eat. (Boston's. Ironic.) What a game it was! I'm not a baseball person, but THAT was fun to watch. 9-9 tie until the 11th inning, when Cruz hit a home run.

Today's multiple activities begin with a family breakfast at my grandpa's. Late this afternoon we'll end up back at the hotel, catching up, hanging out, etc. My family is spread out across the country. It's really nice to have everyone together, other than the circumstances. :(



Friday, August 13, 2010

The mattress store ad on the radio claims that "in eight years, your mattress can double in weight from dead skin cells, sweat and dust mite droppings." That sloshing sound when you turn over? That's all the sweat that never evaporated over the past eight years. I'm so sure.

I didn't see a single meteor from the Perseid shower last night or this morning. Bummer!

Have a fabulous Friday, y'all! I'm off to Big D after work.

It's a Friday Photo Meme~

1. Your Name


2. Your Occupation
Library Assistant

3. The Town You Live In

4. Your Birth City

5. Favorite Sport

6. Favorite Car
You simply must click to see the bigger version of this gorgeous piece of engineering.

7. Your Hair Color

8. Your Pet's Name

Our new kitten will be named Striker.

9. Favorite Color

10. Relationship Status


"...Lassoed the Moon and the Stars..."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some of my most entertaining material on Facebook never sees the light of day, because I type out a smart-ass reply or comment and then wonder if it's too... obscure, revealing, personal, unintentionally flirtatious... whatever. Except on Angel's page, of course. That place is a frat party free-for-all. :D

There is much talk amongst my extended family about the Rosary that will take place the night before the funeral. There are those (mostly the spousal menfolk) who just don't want to go. Then there are a few like me, who aren't sure we can go, because there are rules about things in the Catholic church.

I was baptized, had first communion, first confession, was confirmed, and then was led astray from my path through the sacraments by Jeff, who got me going to his fundamentalist, evangelical Bible Church. I never was completely comfortable there, because it was way to casual and loud for the more formal church environment I was used to. Over the years, it's gotten better, but I still never like when people shout out things during the service. It honestly doesn't happen much, but when it does, I still think, "Shhhhh. It's church for goodness' sake."

I've always still thought of myself as Catholic, and I thought the Church simply does not recognize my marriage, since we got married in a Protestant church. (That does mean I have been living in sin for the past twenty years.) Well, my aunt Teresa informed me after mom's funeral service that I was not Catholic, because I got married outside the Church, and moreover, I should not have taken communion, which I had.


So before I go and ruffle any feathers, I just wanted to find out if my non-Catholic, not worthy of communion self could even attend a Rosary. Long story short, none of the relatives I asked knows. The internet says non-Catholics sometimes attend and just sit in the back and watch. Hmm. So several of us are skipping the Rosary. There will be many people from my grandparents' church there, so our slipping away probably won't even be noticed.

I do own a rosary, just so everyone is clear. Actually, I have mine, my mother's AND my grandmother's. So, HA.

Lauren gave Moe the hermit crab her first bath last night. So. Cute. I should have taken a picture. She came almost all the way out of her shell. She loved being swished around in the water. She was reaching for it when Lauren pulled her out.

Moe is making a mess of her crabitat right now. I've always tried to help her when she looks stuck between a rock and the glass or under something. Well, I've been observing her for a bit, and she's spinning her food bowl and moving it all over the place, quite capably actually.

Show off.

Song Lyrics of the Day

...Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight?...

P!nk, "Glitter in the Air"


Before They Were Stars

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lady Gaga before she was Lady Gaga (she was Stefani Germanotta), performing at a talent show while she was attending NYU in 2005. Lauren's friends think she looks just like Lauren here. She sort of does! This is a showcase of her talent, without all the makeup and costuming.

At the end, a judge compares her to Norah Jones. Ya' know, as much as some of you hate Lady Gaga, I hate Norah Jones. *shiver*

We changed out the lights in our bathroom from soft white 60W standard bulbs to "daylight" 75W fluorescent bulbs. The difference is incredible. I've always thought that room turned out more gold in tone than I had intended. In the whiter light, the color is more accurate and it looks brown. YAY. Plus, I can see in there now. Actually, I think planes are using that light to land at Bergstrom Airport.

I almost typed Bergstrom AFB. I've officially lived in Austin too long. Next thing you know, I'll be telling people about the "good old days" when Slaughter was a dirt road to a slaughter house outside of town. And whining that too many people have moved here.



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My grandpa's wife passed away yesterday. I had called my uncle to tell him I was planning on coming up there today to see her and help them out if I could. I happened to catch him right after it had happened.

About an hour later, I had a thirty-minute conversation with my aunt Ellie. I knew that she had died, but Ellie didn't, yet neither of us picked up on that fact through the entire phone call. We talked about funeral dates and all sorts of very specific things related to the situation at hand. Still neither of us ever realized that Ellie was speaking from a speculative point-of-view and I was speaking in certainties. Hello!

She was a very spunky lady, and we certainly never imagined she would leave us this soon.

While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil.
~ John Taylor


Crabitat Redecorating

Monday, August 9, 2010

Moe the crab has become quite the decorator. She is most active in the early morning, when I am here checking my email and blogging. Overnight she dumps over her fresh water bowl, moves her food bowl and fills her salt water bowl with substrate. Right now, she's chirping along (they sound like a bird, or like tapping glass) and trying her hardest to move this new coral chunk we got her that has greenery for climbing. She loves that thing. Like the cave, it weighs ten times more than she does. Amusing.

Eva posted this archival vid which cracks me up, from the 2000 Teen Choice Awards. The guys sure were enjoying the heck out of it. (Nick Lachey, not so much.)

"I'm doing this for my dad." *g*

Sunday Stealing: The Crafty Fifty Meme, Part One

1. Introduce yourself.
My name is Kathy. I've been a stay-at-home mom for almost 17 years. Last week I started a half-time job at a library. I volunteer at my daughter's school and for a children's foundation. I also run a paper crafting website.

2. It’s Wednesday at noon, where are you usually?
I have usually been at home, but I will be at work from now on.

3. What kind of laundry detergent do you use?
Tide liquid

4. What brand of shampoo is in your shower right now?

5. Did you ever get into a bar and drink before you were 21?
Well, the drinking age was 19 when I was 19, and then changed to 21 about six months later. So for six months, I was going into bars and drinking. When it wasn't legal for me to drink in bars, I didn't. It never was worth the effort to me. I wasn't the fake ID type. I spent a lot of nights at dance clubs that were 18+, where we had our hands stamped so we couldn't drink.

6. What countries have you been to?
Germany, England, Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Virgin Islands, The Bahamas

7. Do you watch MTV anymore?
Nah. The last thing I watched was "Real World: Austin" in 2005

8. What do you think about Oprah?
I think she's an amazing and impressive person who sometimes doesn't realize how different her life is from most of ours.

9. What color are your bed sheets?

10. You need a new pair of jeans: what store do you go to first?

11. Did you ever watch The O.C.?

12. What kind of car do you drive?
Hyundai Santa Fe

13. Honestly, is that car insured?
Of course!

14. Do you like sushi?
Yes. Jeff and I just went to Izumi in Westlake Hills Saturday night.

15. Have you ever been to Tiffany & Co. or Saks 5th Ave?
I've been to the Saks at the Galleria in Houston.

16. Did your parents spoil you growing up?
Nope. It's too bad, really.

17. Do you like roller coasters?
Love them!

18. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?
Real Simple, Consumer Reports

19. Do you remember the old WB show “Popular”?
Never heard of it.

20. When you go out do you prefer to go to a dance club or to a bar?
Hmm. I guess I prefer a bar, where we can chat.

21. What do you think about gay marriage?
I think same-sex adults should be able to be legally married if they wish. Religious issues are the business of churches, who choose whether or not gay people can marry in their church. I don't see why the government cares one way or the other. I read somewhere last week that governments support marriage to promote procreation. Isn't that rather archaic reasoning? I think the world is all populated up at this point.

22. Who do you think will be the next president?
I don't know. I don't think it will be Obama. I wonder if he'll even run. He's just not that into it lately.

23. Are you registered to vote?

24. Do you own an iPad?

25. Is your bathroom filled with beauty stuff?
Yep. Why. Can't you tell? :)


Sadness and Balloons

Sunday, August 8, 2010

C is in the hospital and not doing well. She is technically my "step-grandmother" and I sometimes refer to her as "my grandfather's wife," but I don't like those terms, which both sound very cold and distant for the relationship we have. She married him after my grandma died when I was 11, so I've known her for much longer than I even knew Grandma. I lived in the garage apartment of their house for four years during college. She and I don't agree on many things relating to politics and religion, but she is very sweet and one of the sunniest people you'll ever meet. One of those Texas ladies who calls everyone "honey" and "darlin'." She has been fantastic life partner for my grandpa.

For the past several weeks, they thought she had a blood disorder, but it turns out instead she has an unknown primary cancer that has metastasized to her bone marrow. They are going to start serious chemo, but her platelet count is nearly zero. She doesn't realistically have very long. I feel so awful for her.

In other bad news, my friend Pedro lost two friends, a married couple, in a horrific mountain-climbing accident last week. The mom was the childcare provider for his four-year-old, and he was gathering tips from people on how to tell his son about their deaths. I said that I wished I had a suggestion, but no one that close to Lauren died when she was that age.

Then, late Thursday night, just hours before he and his wife were telling their son, I was brushing my teeth and it hit me, out of the blue-- Lauren's brother Michael died when I was six months pregnant with him, when she was six years old. And we did something very special with her to help her deal with the loss.

When I was telling all this to Laura yesterday, this is the point in the story when Laura said that was the FIRST thing that popped into her head when I said he was looking for suggestions. Yeah, I'm not sure what is up with my brain lapse there, but I'm glad it eventually occurred to me.

So we did a balloon release for Michael at the park back then, just the three of us. It was a happy event, rather than something somber and serious. We talked about how baby Michael would see the balloons and know we were thinking about him. It was a perfect memorial activity for Lauren at that age. I would recommend it for anyone with young kids dealing with a death. A note- many states and cities have laws that prohibit releases of more than ten balloons, so be sure to keep it small and use only latex balloons, which are biodegradable, unlike Mylar.

Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon. -Winnie the Pooh


So Long, Ben

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Well, Ben the Hermit Crab has bitten the proverbial dust. He hadn't moved for four days, and when Lauren picked him up, she said he smelled like fish, which is one of the signs of a dead crab. I took him and rattled him a bit. He used to come out, then it got to where he would slowly recoil in his shell, and yesterday he was just rattling around in there. Supposedly they sort of fall out of the shell, which he didn't do, so I put him in a cup for a while to make sure he wasn't only mostly-dead. But, he was all-dead. And you know that with all-dead there's usually only one thing you can do... Go through his clothes and look for loose change.

*crickets* Princess Bride anyone? Yes?

Meanwhile, his formerly shy buddy Moe is all over the place, crawling around over and under the substrate. She likes to bury herself under the water dish or the little "cave" that is in there. She can lift that heavy cave thing, which must be 100 times her weight, on the back of her shell. Amazing.

She's probably thrilled that we removed the dead guy from her house.

Lauren has decided that she is definitely going to A&M!! I was so happy when she told me. She said she thought we already knew that. I never assumed her taking a looking at it meant she was set to go. I was just glad she was considering it as an option. So I took her to get an A&M tshirt. When she was trying it on, she said, "I'm so excited to have an A&M shirt! I didn't ever feel like that when I was getting a UT shirt." Aww. No one does. ;)

Saturday 9: Friends

1. How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years? Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now?
A whole bunch of my friendships have lasted longer than ten years. There isn't enough money on the planet to get me to make a public list of who will be important to me in another ten years. I'm in the doghouse if I leave anyone out, so, yeah. I love you all and I hope you're still around for more than the next ten years.

2. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what’s the first thing you look at?
My bangs. They are always bugging me, because I want them to sit a certain way, and they never do. I'm sure there's a product I should be using to keep them in place.

3. Who was the most recent person on your missed call list on your cell phone? What’s your relationship with the person?
my daughter, Lauren.

4. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
"So you weren't at work and based on your responses you must have been out smoking dope or something. :-)" from Jeff, which was immediately preceded by:
"WTF? I thought you librarians were supposed to be all eloquent and sh**." from JeffC
(It was a three-way convo. I was texting in Airplane-isms and they weren't getting it... Roger, Roger.)

5. How would you “label” yourself?
FuN!  :)

6. What was your favorite age that you’ve been?
21. I was in school, doing well academically, lots of great friends, living in a college town full of other people my age, looking ahead to a bright future. It was a blast.

7. What is your current desktop picture? What’s its significance?
You'll be happy to know I've finally changed the Microsuck background to this (click for bigger):

Because... gah. The slightly undone tie. The almost-grin.

8. What was the last thing you said to someone that you‘d like to take back?
Nothing recently!

9. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to go back in time and fix all your mistakes which would you choose?
If I could pick and choose which mistakes to correct, I would do that. Some of my mistakes have taught me valuable life lessons I would not have otherwise learned, or sent me in a direction that actually turned out to be better for me.


These Boots Are Made for Walkin'

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lauren bought a pair of Justin boots yesterday. The real thang, people. Hey, it's her money. I've never owned a pair of cowboy boots, and never wanted any. (Except on various "spirit days" at school, when we were supposed to dress in Western wear. Then I would have killed for a cute pair of boots.) Lauren looks really cute in them.

Our PTA work session last night was surprisingly... entertaining! Our new president (a former cheer dad from Lauren's all-star cheer days) started the meeting telling us about an organization management book he loves, called Gung Ho!. He told us of The Spirit of the Squirrel, The Way of the Beaver and The Gift of the Goose. We laughed, while at the same time, contemplating the meaning of it all. There were door prizes, too-  pencils, tooth brushes, pins and a clock shaped like an iPod. He says he's working his way up to "Oprah Day" when he'll give everyone in the room a new car. Glad to see a gung ho president!

And... I found the commercial! Cute, right? (Ahem. Posted LAST NIGHT. I am the Sherlock Holmes of the net.)


"We're Going Streaking!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Best Buy commercial where the cell phones turn on and party after the store closes is so freaking funny! I wish it were online, but I cannot find it anywhere... yet. I am on a mission.

Thursday Thunks: Special Talents

1. Do you have any special talents? Tell us about them.
I can sing. I also write fiction, song lyrics, song parodies and poetry, although I haven't done it in a while. I can also flip and roll my tongue. (You're doing it now, aren't you.)

2. What is your favorite sound?
When someone really nails a great note at the end of a song. It seriously gives me chills.

3. What was your favorite TV show as a child or teen?
CHiPs - My first celebrity crush... Erik Estrada.

4. There are a lot of specialty TV networks now devoted to things like golf, gardening, shopping, game shows, sports, news and sci-fi. Do you have any favorite TV networks?
HGTV and Food Network

5. What is your guilty pleasure TV show?
The Bachelor, any of the Real Housewives series and Celebrity Apprentice

6. Berleen is on the top of a mountain. How on earth did she get there and what was she doing?
She took a hot air balloon up to find the end of a double rainbow.

7. Have you ever dreamed that you made love to someone you haven’t yet met?

8. Berleen decides to run away and join the circus. What could you imagine her performing under the big top?
She's definitely in the clown car.

9. What is your favorite sci-fi movie?
Iron Man

10. What is your favorite reality show?
Real Housewives of New York

11. Bud says he is on vacation. What do you think he is doing?
touring the wine country... or hanging out on Facebook

12. When shopping at the grocery store, do you always return your cart?

13. Do you take compliments well?
Yeah. I don't think I did when I was young.


What Would You Do

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I watched some of the "What Would You Do?" show on ABC last night, and they did one where a waitress flirted really heavily with a woman's husband.

Jeff: What would you do if that happened to me?
Me: I'd knock her in the jaw.
Jeff (amused): You're so full of sh**.
Me (laughing): You don't think I would mess her up?
Jeff: No, you would let it happen the whole time and then make me suffer for it later.
Me: Probably.

Hee hee.

Well I've only forgotten one name from yesterday, of the tons of people I met. I now have a phone, a desk and a computer. I'm beginning the desktop personalization process. Shall I go with classic accessories, or straight to the college rivalry with the librarian and fill it with A&M stuff? Mwahaha!

Moe the crab has become very active in the last few days. (She's talking right now and moving around.) She's always been the quiet one. Ben, who has always been the active one, is extremely lethargic and has now actually rolled over onto his side and is just laying there. Not sure he'll make it, but I'm hoping for the best.


Bonus Post

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

...because, well, The Bachelorette is hardly worthy of its own post, but I was in a hurry.

I found out one of my favorite bloggers does public bathroom photos, just like Angel and I, only hers are on ads for conferences, rather than just showing up on our cellphones.

*is dying laughing*



OMG. Ali chose Roberto, who has been my favorite... All. Season. Long. He's the most handsome one- hands down, seems like a genuine and super nice guy, and when he talks to her in Spanish... holy cats...

I've been saying for a few weeks that it would be between Chris and Roberto, and although I would pick Roberto (well, it's not about me), I was very certain she would choose Chris. She was always so giggly and giddy and "in love" around Chris and always seemed to be very cautious around Roberto. She kept saying Roberto was "too perfect" which afterward, she said meant he was smooth and super hot and therefore, probably a player. I was just really pleasantly surprised at her choice. And she's definitely smiley and giddy around Roberto now.

Another season I'm shocked I stuck with all the way through. This is my guilty pleasure show, for sure. Bachelor Pad starts next week, and looks like The Bachelor times 100, as far as scandal and personal manipulation. Eh, I'll probably watch. The commercial reminds me a lot of Real World.

Hi ho, hi ho... off to work! Have a fab day, y'all!


My Last Day of Summer

Monday, August 2, 2010

Angel is having a diagnostic test today that I've had the displeasure of having myself. It just sorta sucks. Luckily it should rule out any scary things that might have been causing her symptoms. Hugs n' love, sweetie! You'll do great! :)

Now that I've found out I probably can't wear jeans to work, I'm trying to figure out exactly what I will wear. I have to be casual enough to move books and a/v equipment, etc., but dressy enough to be a respectable staff member. The pencil skirt and 4-inch spiky heels aren't really going to be practical. I'm still doing the glasses and bun though. ;) My first day is tomorrow!

Saw Inception for my second time with da boyz, who were seeing it for their first time. I definitely picked up a few things I missed my first time through. Jeff and I also went to see Dinner for Schmucks, which I am sorry to say, I didn't find to be that funny. I adore Steve Carell and Zach Galifianakis, but I only laughed out loud a few times. Two great scenes- Steve at the client lunch... and the dinner scene itself.

Not sure about these hermit crabs Lauren has. They are losing legs, which, besides being beyond creepy, can be an indicator that they are not doing well. (Ya' think?) We've changed their food, since that is the only thing we can think of that might be wrong. *shrugs*

On an exciting note- we will definitely be getting a little kitten in the next few weeks! Lauren has already got her eye on a few from which she will choose. A friend from church has them. It will be really nice to have a kitty around the house again.


Breast Awareness Night

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our game night gang did an outing to the Austin Aztex game last night, where the Aztex beat the Miami Blues 3-1. Woo! The constant drumming of the core fan group is still in force. I was prepared this time, so it wasn't annoying; however, there was a lone wolf on our end of the stadium, beating his drum out of sync all night. Ack.

When we arrived, the Aztex were practicing in pink jerseys. Bruce asked someone "official" what was up with that. They said, "It's breast awareness night!" That became the running gag of the evening. Actually it was breast CANCER awareness night, which is not nearly as entertaining.

After the game, we went to Magnolia Cafe, to which I have not been in all my years here. It was really good. Must go back!

Sunday Stealing: 28 Question Meme

1. Was your dad named after anyone?

2. What do you think is the minimal age to get married?
I think it's good to be at least 22. That's having been responsible for yourself for at least four years, and/or out of college, degree in hand.

3. What’s the longest time that you've been involved with the same person?
Jeff and I have been together (dating/engaged/married) for over 21 years (plus 1 year we dated before that). If we're talking strictly dating time, I dated Evans for the longest, at around 3 years, with half of that on an exclusive basis until I left home for college.

4. What actor/actress do you consider hot at the moment?
Bradley Cooper

5. What is your favorite album by a band?
Rio by Duran Duran

6. What is your favorite album by an individual artist?
Purple Rain by Prince

7. What is something that you‘d rather be a bit dirty?
I can't think of a thing.

8. What was the last TV show that you watched?
Ghost Adventures 

9. How many people have you met from the blogosphere? Who are they?
No one from the Blogosphere. Many people from message boards.

10. What's your philosophy on life?
Life is short. Participate and enjoy it.

11. Do you think prescription drugs are over prescribed?
Yes. There's a pill for everything.

12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
Yes I would.

13. What is your favorite memory in the last year?
Standing at Fort San Felipe del Morro in San Juan, looking down along the coast. Beautiful.

14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Blaring Lady Gaga

15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
A few years ago, I made a scrapbook for the CFO of Southwest Airlines.

16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they?
BMW Z4, a rockin' beach house on a secluded beach, enough money to have time and means to travel the world any time I want to

17. Who would you want to get together with and make a cake?
Paula Deen

18. Which country is your spiritual home?
USA baby

19. What is your big weakness?
chocolate. I stay away as much as possible. The stuff is everywhere.

20. Do you think Judd Corizan is a good person?
He's awesome.

21. What was your best/favorite subject at school?

22. Describe your accent:
I don't have much of an accent, but I can turn on a full Texas drawl anytime.

23. If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
There are minor tweaks I would make, but nothing big.

24. What do you wear to sleep?
a short night gown or nothing

25. What is your favorite casual outfit to wear?
dark brown shorts with my tight and girly Aggie tshirt and cute flip-flops

26. Do you use cigarettes or alcohol?
No cigarettes. I drink, but not a lot. I'll usually have 1-2 drinks when I'm out with a group, and none if I'm driving.

27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!)
I'd take you to a theme park and we'd ride all those coasters you've always been afraid of.

28. Rate the memes that you play generally. Use any scale or just in order.
1. Sunday Stealing
2. Saturday Nine
3. Monday Mayhem
4. Thursday Thunks
5. Friday Five
6. Wednesday Wickedness
7. Patrick's Saturday Six


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