There's a Cindie's lingerie and adult toy store in BRYAN, Texas? Don't ask me how or why I know this. I'm just surprised. Of course, I'm also the one who assumed there weren't tattoo places in BCS either. Or gay bars. Did I even live there, for gosh' sake?
In other news... The new rage in lip color is "lip stain." I have two. I think they're just food-grade magic markers. They market themselves as "semi-permanent," which sounded fabulous to me, but scary if you get the wrong color. Although they do last longer than lipstick, they are hardly semi-permanent. So, don't be afraid of them like I was.
Jeff and I went to Fuddruckers on Friday night, because I hadn't been in a hundred years (= 5-6 months). There was a nice-looking guy in front of us by himself, who proceeded to order, sit down alone, eat and leave just after us. No one ever joined him. We were sitting in the car when he came out of the restaurant. While Jeff was fiddling with his GPS, I started pondering what happened to this poor dude.
Me: He looks lonely. Why would a guy like that be eating alone?
Jeff: Maybe he got stood up.
Me: No way. He's a hot guy... ohhhhmigosh with a great truck (as he's getting in). Something's wrong with him. He's probably a druggie. I'm thinking meth. Aww. I wonder if his parents know.
(Of course, he has money to eat out and he's hot and he maintains his impressive vehicle, so probably not meth. I watch Dateline you know. Perhaps he's in the early days of his unfortunate addiction.)
Then he backs his truck up and drives around and down our parking lane- going the wrong direction.
Me: He's driving the wrong way in the parking lot. HA. I knew it. Drugs.
Jeff: That's probably it.
Jeff sometimes entertains my goofy streak.
Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part Two
21. If you were to live your life without your best friend, what would change?
I have a few best friends. If any of them weren't around, I think I'd feel a bit lost.
22. Tell us about a era of your life that you really miss.
I always think of college when this sort of question comes up, because I basically missed out on my senior year, so I always want that awesome time back. But today I'm going with Lauren's preschool years, like age 2-5. I was super-active in Mothers Club then, and we were always out with all our little trips and tours, playgroups, etc. Back then it was loads of fun just to hang out at the park with all the moms and kiddos, or heck, even just she and I in the backyard, doing nothing but watching the bugs and birds. I liked the simplicity of that time. I loved watching her learn and grow so fast.
23. Have you ever been betrayed by someone that came as a complete surprise? Without revealing the person, if yes, tell us about it.
Isn't it usually a complete surprise when one is betrayed? My first boyfriend and I never went all the way, mostly because we were fairly young (I was 15/16, he was 16/17) during the time we dated. It would have been both our first times. We talked about it a lot, and it was a constant "should we or shouldn't we?" but we never went through with it. One night, we had a huge, very serious argument and broke up. The next day, he had sex with someone for the sole purpose of hurting me. He even called to tell me so. Here, years later, I'm thinking- that poor (slutty) girl! Worse than being the rebound girl is being the getting-back-at-my-ex girl.
24. Do you ever think that is a good idea to hide your feelings?
Ummmm... sometimes. I don't mean keeping my feelings a secret from anyone affected by them. That is not a good idea. Just if they seem inappropriate for the time and place, or are unlike what I think they should be, I hide them or tone them down. Self-control. It's what separates us from apes.
25. Tell us about your favorite year when you were a student.
Senior year of high school. First of all, it was senior year, which rocked. I had a large group of very close friends, who I'd known since 8th grade. A fantastic boyfriend. Perfect schedule. I had quit my job as a restaurant hostess so I could do all my senior-ish activities without having to switch shifts and stuff. There were lots of parties, and OHMIGOSH... Senior Musical was an incredible experience!! All the practices and performances and dressing up in our Carnival costumes. Christmas Dance was cool. We all stayed overnight at the Galvez in Galveston, where the dance was held. Prom was at the Warwick Post Oak in downtown Houston. That was the one where Evans didn't tell his mom he was going, and my mother and I picked up his tux for him, so she wouldn't know. I can't remember if it was his father or his step-dad who secretly let him take his vehicle, but we were in a beautiful car. Parents in cahoots with the kids. Terrible, but it had to be done. It was a great prom! Everyone was so over-the-top dressed up, even more than Christmas Dance. And of course, graduation was amazing. Just being with everyone and all the gatherings afterward.
25. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? What caused it?
Date night on Friday! Until Jeff got the back spasm that he still has. Yikes.
26. Have you ever had a romantic relationship with a sibling of a good friend?
No, but I did kiss one of Cathy's brothers once. The whole family teases me about it to this day. Why me and not him? :p
27. Tell us about the last thing that you did that you truly regret.
Kissing Cathy's brother. Just kidding. That wasn't the last thing. Kidding again! Buying the built-in microwave we bought. They don't make space-saver ones anymore at all, and we didn't know space was such an issue until we replaced ours. Now there is too little space between the bottom of the microwave and the top of the cooktop to effectively cook anything in a pot. No way to fix it, other than to cut the cabinetry or replace the microwave with a hood and get a countertop model.
28. When did you laugh today?
Chad's FB status had all this "blah blah blah" through it. Later, he commented, "You guys remember when you could blah blah blah twice in one night? Good times." *g*
29. Do you trust easily?
Yes. You either do or you don't, I guess. And in the end, I'd rather trust people easily and occasionally be disappointed, than not to trust people. Now, if we're talking business transactions, that is a totally different ball game. Then I don't trust anyone. Get it all in writing.
30. What do you care about that you wish more people would?
31. Is it easier for you to go without food or go without sleep?
Sleep. I get really dizzy when I don't eat.
32. What non-alcohol beverage do you enjoy drinking the most?
I usually drink water with a splash of sweet tea or lemonade, not because I enjoy it, but because it's natural and practically calorie-free. I most enjoy drinking Diet Dr. Pepper, although I rarely have it.
33. When you walk into a room full of strangers, generally how is your confidence?
Not great. I can fake the confidence part pretty well, but I'm still usually fairly quiet in a room of strangers.
34. Does talking about sex with anyone but your lover make you uncomfortable?
Nope. I'm very comfortable talking about it with friends.
35. Do you tend to believe members of the opposite sex mostly behave the same way?
As with all stereotypes, there are a few generalities that apply to most men (and women). Otherwise, a stereotype would not exist. I believe the vast majority of a man's personality is not comprised of "typical man" behaviors. The few things that I think are typical, I try not to assume.
36. Did you drink any alcohol this week? If yes, what?
I did not.
37. Would you ever consider being a vegetarian?
No way. We have canine teeth so we can eat rib eye steak.
38. Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for someone?
39. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?
This goes against my naturally romantic nature, but... no. I think if there were one single person on earth who you would be happy with, and all others are kinda "eh," that would be a sad thing indeed, because the chances of locating that person are infinitely small.
40. Last week, we had a few players criticize our victim’s questions. Which is fine to do and we value your opinion. Would you ever consider writing questions for Bud and me to post on a Sunday Stealing?
I would LOVE to write a meme myself. Mwahahahaaa!! Can I make certain people answer?